Sunday 6th February 2011

Greyhound Box Draw For Gawler – Sunday 6th February 2011

Race No. 1 – Gourmet Game Open Maiden Stake05:17PM (SAtime)
Maiden event over 531 Metres at Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1CARRUMBA SCULL7242S D Matcott ()
2EMERLEY CHOICE7P E Hurley (Two Wells)
3EMERLEY MAX4P E Hurley (Two Wells)
4CHIP’S BOY63175K J Lambert (Evanston Gardens)
5MY BOY CARRUMBA4F6S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
6PETAWAY75P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
7DAB’S LAD5866C T J Cotton (Lewiston)
8DOC HARRIS4F78N A Rawlings (Lewiston)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 2Sportsman Tavern Open Maiden Stake05:39PM (SAtime)
Maiden event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1GO MAD5762S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
2TRANSPORTER TWO434B Wilson (Mildura South)
3DOLLOP BALE88652S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
4TEDDY BEAR SAV24T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
5EMERLEY CHANCE51513P E Hurley (Two Wells)
6THERE’S MINNIE38528K W Stott (Balaklava)
7EMERLEY CAPERS4P E Hurley (Two Wells)
8SCENIC SENSATION56752A G Reed (Port Pirie)
9LITTLE MISS SAV5T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
10QUICK SPUR6C J Martin (Evanston)
Race No. 3Kauschke’s Discount Paints Stake06:01PM (SAtime)
Grade 6 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1OCTANE PRINCE43352A P Miegel (Murray Bridge)
2ROUNDABOUT48835M J Lanyon (Kadina)
3LOLA MONTEZ11437C Scott (Glandore)
4DELTA GOLD78231M D Haworth (Flagstaff Hill)
5THUNDERIN’ AMBA45418B G Prouse (Kadina)
6JOSIAH BALE46231D J Turner (Lewiston)
7SUSPICIOUS MERK111D D Hockley (Two Wells)
8GRADY BALE34168S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
9RANGER BOO BOO84714P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
10ILSA ALLEN21886S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
Race No. 4Mcdonald’s Family Butcher Stake06:19PM (SAtime)
Grade 6 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1EMERLEY TALES56157P E Hurley (Two Wells)
2MAD RAPTOR13516G K Curyer (Kudla)
3ROADWRECK14338A G Reed (Port Pirie)
4NANGAWOOKA65366N H Bland (Cardross)
5VADREAM13445M J Harvey (Lewiston)
6PURE JAG53463G Buttigieg (Kaniva)
7COURT AGAIN1B Wilson (Mildura South)
8ALLAINE ALLEN46581S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
9BLUE SAPPHIRE41868D J Turner (Lewiston)
10NEUTRALIZATION53556P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
Race No. 5Silver Eagle Cool Champions Stake06:36PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1DYNA TURBO66767S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
2MILKMAN86554K W Stott (Balaklava)
3VICTA BEN77182T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
4JAKE FIX41318J Spoolder (Lewiston)
5PROVEN UNIT36574T W Murray (Lewiston)
6NARKOO36157G K Curyer (Kudla)
7MISS ANNALISE41757K A Miegel (Murray Bridge)
8SHIRAZ ON TAP21167N H Bland (Cardross)
9EGYPTIAN BEN64877C T J Cotton (Lewiston)
10OREGON BALE84668S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
Race No. 606:51PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1URBAN REBEL42223D J Turner (Lewiston)
2FOX HAND65366D D Hockley (Two Wells)
3PIRAN BALE84771S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
4HIGH VIS42566J Spoolder (Lewiston)
5COOL HONEY55441K A Miegel (Murray Bridge)
6FLOSSY BALE42452M J Lanyon (Kadina)
7LUIS BALE33822C J Martin (Evanston)
8WHERE’S LIZZIE81717K W Stott (Balaklava)
9BOMBER’S BOY77458S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
10VICTA HARRY64485T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
Race No. 7M.r. Electrical Services Mixed Stake07:13PM (SAtime)
Mixed 4/5 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1COOL FEVER26786M J Harvey (Lewiston)
2VICTA RALPH77268T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
3SENNI ROB54563K W Stott (Balaklava)
443416N Mann (Gawler)
5YUENGLING11515R Parry (Bridgewater)
6CHICKY BOMB37866A P Miegel (Murray Bridge)
7ASTON KOEN11443T W Murray (Lewiston)
8DYNA ROSE27854S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
9AHMIR BALE46775S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
10EGYPTIAN BEN64877C T J Cotton (Lewiston)
Race No. 8Macro Meats – Gourmet Game Stake07:31PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 event over 531 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1YOSHI BLUE57672M J Lanyon (Kadina)
2INDEPENDENCE DAY25167D Hall (Paskeville)
3VICTA NAPOLEON46538T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
4SNAKE PLISSKEN76323G Buttigieg (Kaniva)
5ASTON ZIP43228T W Murray (Lewiston)
6STILL STUING47716J Spoolder (Lewiston)
7DYNA GARTON56557S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
8EXTRA34246C T J Cotton (Lewiston)
976731T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 9Sportsman Tavern Stake07:50PM (SAtime)
Grade 6 event over 531 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1ASHIQUA55454D L Brodhurst (Serviceton)
2MISS ROXANNE63456B Wilson (Mildura South)
3NIKITA BOB76356T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
4BALLISTIC GOLD33476D Hall (Paskeville)
5ALVIN PURPLE86664N Jarvis (Kaniva)
6ISABELLA RARE73746J M Sharpe (Paralowie)
7MADOC BALE15533S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
8CARRUMBA MACCA86374S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
9WHERE’S LUCIFER86667K W Stott (Balaklava)
10SCREWED DRIVER15887C J Alleway (Kilburn)
Race No. 10Kauschke’s Discount Paints Stake08:10PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 event over 531 Metres at Gawler Of $750 Prizemoney.
1st: $510 2nd: $150 3rd: $90.


1BALLISTIC SHIRAZ36736D Hall (Paskeville)
2KRAKATOA KID45547A G Reed (Port Pirie)
375267T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
4VIVA LA EMMA36517D L Brodhurst (Serviceton)
5BESSIE’S DELIGHT34518D D Hockley (Two Wells)
6EBONY’S CHILD18777J Spoolder (Lewiston)
7RICKY BALE76556S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
8HITRO NITRO86543K W Stott (Balaklava)
9VICTA LEE ROY76731T J Hinrichsen (Glengowrie)
10*** NO RESERVE ***
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