Cop A Chevy owner disputes GWIC version of Goulburn greyhound injury

Greyhound racing

's New South Wales owner has hit back at a GWIC media statement suggesting her trainer Robert Howard wished to euthanise their greyhound “Oscar” following a racing incident at greyhounds.

Jodie Manuel has lashed out at inaccuracies in the way of the the greyhound have been portrayed by saying “We just spent $7,000 on a 12 month old pup who broke her femur in a rearing accident …. after numerous operations she ended up losing her leg anyway. So in no way are we people who take the easy way out and euthanise our beloved dogs”.

“I'm sorry but this is not good enough we love all our dogs we save all of them … we have more retired dogs living with us than most. Welfare is very important to us” said Manuel.

Manuel says she was so unhappy with events that transpired after the racing accident, that a complaint was lodged with GWIC CEO .

In the complaint, Manuel alleges that the on track vet would not administer Cop A Chevy any pain relief, and that while on the phone to the trainer immediately following the event Cop A Chevy could be heard in the background “screaming in pain”.

The version of events directly contradicts those of GWIC who claim the owner was not contactable for some time saying “attempts were made to contact the registered owner” and “Over the next few hours multiple attempts were made to contact the owner, with contact eventually being made.”

Manuel says she is “upset and really angry” with the way her greyhound “Oscar” was transported away to a local vet clinic without approval of the owner or the trainer .

“My biggest concern is while Robert was handling his dog in race six he came off the track to find out Oscar had been taken off the track without our, or Robert's permission; and taken to a vet. Robert is the trainer of our dog and Oscar is in Robert's care”

“When Robert asked where he was, he was told that is none of your concern as you have relinquished all rights to him”.

“No one has the right to take my dog anywhere except our trainer Mr Robert Howard” said Manuel.

Other greyhound participants have posted on Facebook in support of Manuel saying that the offical GWIC version of events are inconsistent with their experience and knowledge of the greyhound's connections.

Posting on Australian Racing Greyhound's Facebook page, Luke Miller has said that “I was able to contact the owner quite easily about 15 min after the incident and she was highly stressed and crying about the welfare of her beloved boy Oscar. Anyone who knows the owner would know something doesn't add up here. The owner operates a training and rearing establishment and has almost more retirees then (sic) race dogs and pups.”

Tamara Bell simply posted “I couldn't imagine u (sic) guys doing that” with reference to Manuel.

Manuel says that “Oscar” is still at the Goulburn vet clinic and is yet to receive the orthopeadic surgery he requires urgently. Manuel is miffed at suggestions from a GWIC spokesperson that GWIC and Goulburn intend to place “Oscar” in a local rehoming program.

We were told someone from GWIC would contact us, but it wasn't until the next day that “he rang us and he assured us “Oscar” was on the operating table at the time. That's not true as he hasn't been operated on yet. Once he is, he is coming home to us” said Manuel.