Former Ministerial Adviser Appointed To GRV Board
Late Friday afternoon Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) announced the appointment of former ministerial adviser and former journalist, Ms Sandra McKay, to the board of the GRV.
Ms McKay, who has recently fulfilled a speaking engagement entitled “Influencing Government Policy Decisions”; is a former Victorian ministerial media manager and adviser, having worked at times for both the Minister of Planning and the Department of Health Services.
Ms Mckay’s appointment comes at an interesting time, when the greyhound racing industry and broader racing industry as whole; will be desperate for the “ear” of the government as the Victorian wagering license reforms continue.
The full media release is below :
Deputy Premier and Minister for Racing The Honorable Rob Hulls has formally congratulated Ms. Sandra McKay on her three year appointment to the Board of Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV).
Ms. McKay, a communications professional with 20 years experience in journalism, media and government relations this week attended her first GRV Board meeting.
A Walkley award winning journalist for The Age newspaper, Ms McKay has worked for a number of major national media outlets and also internationally with the London Evening Standard.
Ms McKay through her various professional roles has reported on a broad range of topics such as general news and sport, state and federal politics, health, transport and the environment.
Greyhound Racing Victoria Chairman Mrs. Jan Wilson has today said “The Board welcomes the appointment of Ms McKay. In particular her demonstrated expertise in journalism and the media should
provide great assistance and guidance to the industry”.“The appointment of Sandra McKay to the GRV Board is a real plus for the Victorian greyhound industry. She is an impressive lady who certainly has extensive communications experience. I anticipate Sandra’s diverse skills will positively contribute to the strategic discussions held at Board level”.