SA GBOTA & Gawler Clubs Signal Amalgamation

In a joint state today issued by the Chairs of the SA (who run the straight track at ) and the Greyhound Racing Club; both clubs have expressed a desire to combine and approach Greyhound Racing South Australia () to sign off on the deal.

Part of the deal will see the new entity approach GRSA to establish a new greyhound racing venue in South Australia comprising a straight track, a one turn track and an “eight bend” track.

Whilst the proposal is sure to get SA participants excited it is highly unlikely that GRSA would be in a position to create three new tracks at the one racing complex.

However, the rationalisation of clubs and costs is something which is on the GRSA agenda and given the combination of the clubs, the proposal is likely the gain a sympathetic ear at GRSA headquarters.

The full press release fllows :

On 26 October, both and GGRC have had preliminary discussions with a view to combining operations to see the establishment of a venue containing a u-turn track, 8-dog straight track and a coursing track. Both Clubs agree in principle to continue discussions and approach Greyhound Racing SA.

This exciting proposal is a significant step in further enhancing and growing the greyhound industry in South Australia.


Michael Wittholz
Chair, GGRC

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15 years ago

adelaide needs a horseshoe track ASAP get with it if you want new people to join the industry then get rid of tight tracks its hard enough to keep greyhounds with out getting injured racing career of a greyhound what 2 years tops