Saturday, 26 September 2015
Greyhound Box Draw For Ipswich – Saturday, 26 September 2015
Race No. 1Myrtle Jones Memorial6:55 PM
M event over 520 metres at Ipswich Of $1,900 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,330 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,330 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1NORDOC MAGIC8756NBTKerry Hoggan
2HOUDINI HI4531.26Peter O’reilly
4RYAN ROAD656NBTPatricia Carrington
5GO BLACK BIDDY832731.15Tony Wonka
6DRAGON DUK764431.55Barry Kitchener
10TEARS FOR BUD756831.72Kerry Ollerton
Race No. 2Ted Burgess Memorial7:12 PM
NOV event over 431 metres at Ipswich Of $2,613 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1NITRO KNOCKA685225.84John Gardiner
2KAMILAROI DUK137225.62Steve Swan
3SPRING DODGER623125.31Colin Byers
4SEMI FANTASY234525.54George Clegg
5PEBBLE BAY443325.46Nicole Connell
6HANSON MURRAY676325.97Geoff Allen
7RYLI’S DREAMER272625.83Rick Kuhl
8TOTTENHAM TERROR385425.82Sidney Goodwin
9NURSEY WARD666425.88Mark Callaghan
10QUEEN OF SHOW655725.57Desmond Gilroy
Race No. 3Dick Gunthorpe Memorial7:34 PM
NOV event over 520 metres at Ipswich Of $3,088 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
2SPRING BEAUTY524630.92Colin Byers
3MADAM MEDUSA33X531.04Bruce Mcnamara
4SIDBO512430.88Bob Giltinan
5GUN LEGACY673230.81Elaine Williamson
6SOCCER’S OFF446130.90Michael Boody
7MAGIC SPARKLE882330.81Corey Mutton
8CARTEL QUEEN381330.81Mick Emery
9SCAR’S BROTHER764431.30Robert Essex
10MADAM’S FLASH’S885731.44Bruce Mcnamara
Race No. 4Sonny Scott Memorial7:57 PM
4/5 event over 431 metres at Ipswich Of $2,613 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1ALEEAH JET165225.29Ricky Rolls
3LIL’ BIT SPARKY336725.00Rick Kuhl
4LADY GOLDENPAW385425.55Steven Scott
5LONESOME DUK131524.96Joanne Martin
6HARNEY471225.03Colin Byers
7HOPPING HOUDINI451525.05Amy O’reilly
8TORQUE FLIGHT811624.94Albert Kennewell
9DETROIT MUSCLE174825.52Cameron Blaney
10MY TINY SIZE885626.14Kevin Kemp
Race No. 5Ken Voller Memorial 5th Grade H8:21 PM
5 event over 520 metres at Ipswich Of $3,088 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
1EARNING535530.88Michael Boody
3SPRINKLE DUST654431.42Richard Nelson
4GIFT BOX525730.80Steven Scott
5HARLEY ARE625430.88Russell Keidge
6LARAH BELLX81130.62Tom Tzouvelis
7MERCEDES LASS584130.86Craig Schmidt
8GATE SLINGER661730.62Colin Byers
9ROCK ON ROLLA347631.14Robert Essex
10OUR GOLD666631.27Michael Boody
Race No. 6Fred Ferguson Memorial 5th Grade…8:40 PM
5 event over 520 metres at Ipswich Of $3,088 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
1GLASS653730.84David Mcmillan
3POCAHONTAS744630.68Patricia Carrington
4NOT LIKE TOMMY345730.78Robert Dempsey
5MAYWYN’S COPY843730.45Robert Essex
6LORRY DRYVA873230.78Desmond Gilroy
7FLASH HOUDINI381430.54Amy O’reilly
8FARMOR SENOR4735NBTSteven Scott
9OUR GOLD666631.27Michael Boody
10ROSDUE BOOMER348830.75Colin Byers
Race No. 7Ted Richardson Memorial 5th Grad…9:02 PM
5 event over 520 metres at Ipswich Of $3,088 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
1st: $2,161 2nd: $618 3rd: $309.
1VIRUNGA227730.61Michael Boody
2KAR BLU675431.17Patricia Carrington
3ANNIE ELLEN477130.98Robert Essex
4SPRING MILLIE633730.55Colin Byers
5FYRE GAL222430.82Renald Attard
6KNIGHTS TEMPLAR245430.66Amy O’reilly
8DEEP DESPAIR566530.76Michael Geraghty
9ROCK ON ROLLA347631.14Robert Essex
10MISS OLYMPIA8577NBTVicki Wisener
Race No. 8Frank Jennings Memorial9:24 PM
BT8 event over 431 metres at Ipswich Of $2,613 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1YOGI BLUE478124.84Peter O’reilly
2DELTA QUEEN5714NBTDavid Fitzgerald
3MAYWYN’S ACE314125.01Robert Essex
4FROSTY JAY JAY721725.28Renald Attard
5LOTUS BLOSSOM453724.84Peter Ruetschi
6OLLIE BENZ242324.88Geoffrey Uhrhane
7EARNED TALKING313824.91Michael Boody
Race No. 9Eddie Jackson Memorial9:47 PM
5 event over 431 metres at Ipswich Of $2,613 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1ARK UP836625.44Ricky Rolls
2SPRING BLUESTONE344424.98Colin Byers
3WILDASH WARRIOR151225.01Bob Giltinan
4MISS SHADOW877625.95Kristina Arnold
5HANSON COSMOS673825.35Geoff Allen
6WALLY’S WAY455125.20David Mcmillan
7FLYING RAVEN124225.89John Catton
8ELUSIVE FUSION552125.43Neil Falls
9TEJAY’S AWESOME756726.15Kevin Kemp
10FLASH ZOE8758NBTSteven Scott
Race No. 10Don Preece Memorial10:09 PM
5 event over 431 metres at Ipswich Of $2,613 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1st: $1,829 2nd: $523 3rd: $261.
1TUKULA133424.97Colin Byers
2WILD ELITE145325.80Renald Attard
3TEMNICK855625.41Tom Tzouvelis
4MAURY SPIRIT431825.23Neil Falls
5JANE’S JEZABEL712725.31Craig Campbell
6GOLDEN LENNY664125.59Ian Roberts
7MISTER SISTER721525.44George Clegg
8LADY CORSAIR5665NBTSidney Goodwin
9TEJAY’S AWESOME756726.15Kevin Kemp
10MOONLIGHT TYCOON884825.38Corey Mutton