Thursday, 31 December 2015
Greyhound Box Draw For Hobart – Thursday, 31 December 2015
Race No. 1The Mercury Division17:28 PM
6 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
3NELLIE VEE225526.76Rodney Ransley
4GUS EMERY856327.18Anthony Bullock
6HONCHO BOUND454526.60Anthony Dawson
8DIAMOND IMAGE686NBTJillian Stamford
9NIGHTMARE MISS878827.45Nicholas Howard
Race No. Division27:51 PM
6 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1OLIVER QUEEN742126.67Sonia Martin
3STYLISH MORGAN645526.97Anthony Dawson
4BRUSHA BORNE466326.78Anthony Bullock
5SHE’S GOT SPIRIT–NBTGayelene Townsend
6DARK DRIFTER246526.57Rodney Walker
7DUCHESS PAIGE836826.88Anthony Bullock
9NIGHTMARE MISS878827.45Nicholas Howard
10LENGRAY HOWLER877427.84Nicholas Howard
Race No. 3@ubet Division18:12 PM
6 event over 340 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1TIMMYROSS865220.30Anthony Bullock
2LITTLE BIT SMART8120.77Russell Watts
4DILSTON TOTO452NBTNeville Allison
5FEAR THE EAGLE6377NBTJillian Stamford
6AMAZING BLACK7188NBTRodney Walker
7MONSTER RED4488NBTJillian Stamford
8CASSA BLACK475NBTRicky Martin
9RICSON DIAMOND786620.29Ricky Martin
Race No. 4Winning Edge Kibble Division38:33 PM
6 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1BIG KID663826.88Rachael Moate
2SPRING GROVE863827.15Anthony Bullock
3AGY CANTRELL838627.03Anthony Bullock
4DRURY LANE272126.93Graeme Moate
5BOUND ON BOOMER–NBTGayelene Townsend
6DILSTON LOCH148626.85Neville Allison
7COLOGNE6548NBTButch Deverell
8HALO LEE3626.76Edward Medhurst
9LENGRAY HOWLER877427.84Nicholas Howard
10AMIGO MOSS866627.23Nicole Howard
Race No. Division48:52 PM
6 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1KIRRA BREEZE426726.82Nicholas Howard
2DARK CASIO2126.69Edward Medhurst
3BOOZY ROSE6755NBTAnthony Bullock
4DILSTON DELIGHT126326.71Neville Allison
5POSH RENEGADE86NBTAnthony Bullock
6CLASSIC BOOMER–NBTGayelene Townsend
7TAKE GUARD2356NBTAnthony Bullock
8BOMBER DYSON574626.81Ricky Martin
9LENGRAY HOWLER877427.84Nicholas Howard
10AMIGO MOSS866627.23Nicole Howard
Race No. 6Barry Heawood Division19:17 PM
5 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1AIN’T SHE PRETTY154226.32Russell Watts
2POSH RENEE556226.67Anthony Bullock
3BLACK WIDOW658827.07Rodney Ransley
4LET’S WIN CASH266326.99Eileen Thomas
5ROCK ON ROLLA2211NBTAnthony Bullock
6TOOLS DOWN248126.65Russell Watts
7COOL HEADLINE377826.26Rodney Walker
8BAGS OF HOPE554526.53Gayelene Townsend
9MIDNIGHT BIRD556626.14Michael Dobson
10ROSE FERN748826.51Rachael Moate
Race No. Division29:39 PM
5 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1DAWN’S BEST464526.44Michael Pearce
2BLACK EMBER648726.19Rachael Moate
3TRIGGER BLING1633NBTRodney Ransley
4HELLYEAH SKEETA666326.58Anthony Bullock
6FIASCO223727.30Butch Deverell
7MASON PINES524426.30Anthony Bullock
8STELLA CHOICE325626.61Russell Watts
9MIDNIGHT BIRD556626.14Michael Dobson
10SHANLYN JED757726.37Graeme Moate
Race No. 8Greyhound Recorder Division19:57 PM
FFA event over 340 metres at Hobart Of $2,255 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,585 2nd: $450 3rd: $220.
1st: $1,585 2nd: $450 3rd: $220.
1ARCHIE NINKASI215519.51Peter Higgins
2NIGHT TREMORS331319.58Eileen Thomas
3GO MINNIE GO546119.70Patrick Pearce
4BIT HOT FINCHY8388NBTShane Whitney
5KENNY’S CRUISE365220.10Kenneth Mayne
7JULIA FLY’S174719.42Anthony Bullock
8HUNTER BEVEN1678NBTNicole Howard
9FLASHING MOON5422NBTEileen Thomas
10HOWZAT PATSY1266NBTAnthony Bullock
Race No. 9Sky Racing Division110:22 PM
M event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,545 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,080 2nd: $310 3rd: $155.
1st: $1,080 2nd: $310 3rd: $155.
1SHIMMY IT864526.76Michael Sutcliffe
2CLOSED CIRCUIT528626.43Gavin Whitney
3BRONELLY RAIDER433626.85Anthony Bullock
5DREAM IMPACT522427.10Anthony Bullock
6MINSTREL MISS586626.94Peter Higgins
7DESERT MAN–NBTAnthony Bullock
8BLACK WYATT887227.02Anthony Bullock
9COLAC OUTLAW457527.22Anthony Bullock
Race No. 10Happy New Year Division110:47 PM
5 event over 340 metres at Hobart Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.
1MASERATTI DUCK587119.77Nicole Howard
2JULIE’S JET255119.87Anthony Bullock
3VEE’S ASSASSIN1617NBTPatrick Hall
4PRIORITY PUNTER728220.19Richard Stamford
5HAWK TANA7124NBTNicole Howard
6BLACK JAYMAR375620.02Steven Hutt
7FERRARI MIA7681NBTAnthony Bullock
8JOE EMERY853320.11Anthony Bullock
9MAGIC MOZ658620.30Patrick Hall