Urgent Threat Message – Yea Murrindindi Fire 6.30am
Urgent Threat Message – Yea Murrindindi Fire 6.30am
Urgent Threat Message – for the communities of Acheron, Cathedral lane, Rubicon, Thornton – Taggerty Road, Bulls Lane.
Incident Information
The Yea – Murrindindi fire burning on the north east front in the Blue Range is experiencing continuing fire activity due to southerly winds. Control lines are established along the Power lines between Taggerty and Snobs Creek. Crews overnight have been working very hard to consolidate these lines.
The communities of Acheron, Cathedral Lane, Rubicon, Thornton – Taggerty Road, Bulls Lane, may be directly impacted by this fire.
The Yea – Murrindindi fire burning around the west side of the Black Range is experiencing continuing fire activity due to southerly winds. There is increased fire activity towards the Northern end of the Black Range.
The following Core Advice should be considered immediately
Core Advice
Residents in this area may experience smoke and burning embers reaching their properties, and are advised to patrol their houses to find and put out any burning embers that may be landing.
Protect yourself from radiant heat by wearing correct protective clothing consisting of long-sleeved shirts, long pants, sturdy boots and a broad brimmed hat. On no account should synthetic material be worn.
As the fire front approaches, it will be unsafe to be either on foot or in a car as the heat radiating from the fire will be intense. Buildings will offer the best protection during the passage of a fire front. Close all doors and windows and stay inside the house while the fire passes. Remain alert, extinguish any small fires and if necessary, move outside to burnt ground once the fire has passed.
If you are caught on the road, don’t get out and run.
Pull to the side, preferably in an area clear of tall trees and long grass.
Put your hazard lights on and close the windows and vents.
Cover any exposed areas of skin with a woollen blanket and get down as low as possible.
Only when the fire has passed do you get out and move to safety.
Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
Residents away from home should not try to return to the area as access is limited and the roads may not be safe.
Continue to listen to ABC or local radio for updates on this fire.
Additional Information
Road closures currently in place: Information on updated road closures is available on the VicRoads website https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/
Emergency relief centres are located at: Alexandra Secondary College and Community Complex, Broadford Shire Hall on Murchison Street and Wallan multi purpose Centre Bendpink Street Ph 5783 1450
Community meetings: Marysville Community meeting – Will NOT be held today, however, residents will be advised when a date, venue and time has been organised and confirmed.
Recovery information: 5772 0394 or 5772 0393
Animal Health and welfare ring: Health wildlife on 0417 380 687
Resources committed to this fire are: 40 trucks & 4 Slip Ons 8 dozers 3 aircraft approx 300 personnel
For information on on fires in Victoria and general fire safety advice, please contact the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL) on freecall 1800 240 667. Callers who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech / communication impairment may call textphone/ telewriter (TTY) on 1800 122 969. Information is also available at www.dse.vic.gov.au/fires