Thursday 2nd August 2012

Greyhound Box Draw For Angle Park – Thursday 2nd August 2012

Race No. 1Greyhound Hunnies Sa On Facebook Stake06:44PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 event over 515 Metres at Of $2,960 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,765 2nd: $520 3rd: $255 Unplaced: $60.


1PARAGON BUSTER11347NBTP Jovanovic (Lewiston)
2ECLECTIC43182NBTP Jovanovic (Lewiston)
3PRINCE BEN1871230.24N A Price (Renmark)
4HADES JET51123NBTP Jovanovic (Lewiston)
5MORABITO23337NBTL M Fagan (Two Wells)
6DARLING AVA71112NBTA R Francis (Macclesfield)
7HENRY MALLET2312530.10B Rawlings (Lewiston)
8BREE BALE5334330.30S D Matcott ()
9BRAHMA BOY8231829.91J Mundy (Lewiston)
10HENNA BALE7872430.10L M Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
Race No. 207:07PM (SAtime)
Grade 6 event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $2,240 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,360 2nd: $400 3rd: $200 Unplaced: $40.


1SMILING MOMENT12124NBTW Sebastyan (Cooke Plains)
2HOPE’S UP26111NBTC J Butcher (Meningie)
3SOUTHERN EXPRESS63111FSHS A Laffin (Maslin Beach)
4DYNA EMILEE25473NBTT H Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
5MIGHTY CHAOS35611FSHB Rawlings (Lewiston)
6ARTISTIC12211FSHR A Mackellar (Lewiston)
7CRACKLIN ROSIE17356NBTS W Muldoon (Newton)
8GOLDEN COBRA42163NBTC F Irwin (Two Wells)
9JAKI ALLEN65448NBTT H Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
10ADELFI63757FSHD W Decrea (Andrews Farm)
Race No. 307:25PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $2,960 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,765 2nd: $520 3rd: $255 Unplaced: $60.


1HORATIO CANE3854230.52L M Fagan (Two Wells)
2ONLY JESS6437630.11A M A Modra ( River)
3OCTANE SHIRAZ5717630.59R W Harnas (Lewiston)
4FERGIE’S DREAM8356330.43R A Mackellar (Lewiston)
5BRINDLE 2323530.50T Lagana (Gawler River)
6SWEET HONEY PIE3236730.15K Bearpark (Two Wells)
7EVA’S FLAME1463730.33D J Turner (Lewiston)
8LIKA GEM34333NBTD J Turner (Lewiston)
9EVACUATION4845729.99C A Smith (Dublin)
10RADICAL25265NBTD J Turner (Lewiston)
Race No. 4Tattsbet State Heat 107:44PM (SAtime)
Open event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $3,820 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,320 2nd: $680 3rd: $330 Unplaced: $70.


1SO 6152530.07T W Murray (Lewiston)
2ANTONI BALE2152130.06T H Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
3JOHNNY WILL3121329.63P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
4OCTANE OSTI3521429.98T W Murray (Lewiston)
5*** VACANT BOX ***
6ANDREW’S COURAGE1144530.09D W Decrea (Andrews Farm)
7GOLDEN MONZA5123130.44G A Cooper (Murray Bridge)
8BUCKARINGA LAD3232829.98N B Treloar (Gawler River)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 5Tattsbet National Sprint Championship Stake Heat 208:08PM (SAtime)
Open event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $3,820 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,320 2nd: $680 3rd: $330 Unplaced: $70.


1HIGH CRIMES8341230.08L M Fagan (Two Wells)
2KOUBEK3441130.05R J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
3ASTON THOMAS7411129.83R A Murray (Two Wells)
4JESSE BE COOL3113330.33K N Gill (Lewiston)
5EMERLEY STRIKER3416229.99A M A Modra (Gawler River)
6PROVEN PUZZLE2111329.99T W Murray (Lewiston)
7GWYNN BALE1747230.11L M Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
8DEADLY IMPACT1245529.94P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 6Tattsbet National Sprint Championship State Heat 308:28PM (SAtime)
Open event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $3,820 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,320 2nd: $680 3rd: $330 Unplaced: $70.


1BRIONY BALE1678830.35L M Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
2JUST CHASES1415630.23D J Turner (Lewiston)
3CRAZY HEART2261629.99B H Lellmann (Lewiston)
4NIAMH PREMIER1412430.12R W Harnas (Lewiston)
5MAD MONZA3F41629.97G A Cooper (Murray Bridge)
6KALDEN AURORA6121129.52T W Murray (Lewiston)
7LAGOON LOVIN’5212630.04P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
8PAUA TO ROCK2147129.85T W Murray (Lewiston)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 7Tattsbet National Sprint Championship State Heat 408:52PM (SAtime)
Open event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $3,820 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,320 2nd: $680 3rd: $330 Unplaced: $70.


1SNEAKY SPIRIT1713430.17D J Turner (Lewiston)
2KING ASHY1221130.09B Rawlings (Lewiston)
3KALDEN KOMOTO3625129.86R A Murray (Two Wells)
4POINT TWO OVER1246129.67R W Harnas (Lewiston)
5RUSH HOUR33521NBTB H Lellmann (Lewiston)
6ITY BITY BAMSY1211129.93P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
7ASTON ODIN1131230.03T W Murray (Lewiston)
8STREET VALUE53564NBTM M Nicholson (Hillier)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 8Wrest Point National Distance Champ. State Heat09:11PM (SAtime)
Open event over 731 Metres at Angle park Of $3,820 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,320 2nd: $680 3rd: $330 Unplaced: $70.


1KALDEN PETRONI1422743.46T W Murray (Lewiston)
2KALDEN MAYHEM1111143.22T W Murray (Lewiston)
3THEN QUOTED63225NBTB Kent (Dry Creek)
4ABDON BALE2112143.58L M Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
5JORDO’S PUSHBIKE1322643.62J R Gale (South Plympton)
6MISS WOODS1221243.55G Grgurovic (Brahma Lodge)
7ALIS BALE42153NBTL M Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
8SPECIAL GEM43434NBTR J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
9MISS LILY ROSE22255NBTM Famiglietti (Murray Bridge)
10SIZZLING CASH54333FSTDC M T Swain (Paralowie)
Race No. 9 Program Sa Mixed Stake09:35PM (SAtime)
Mixed 3/4 event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $3,110 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,865 2nd: $555 3rd: $270 Unplaced: $60.


1ALLEN BANTER27322NBTS D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
2SCHNELLE FLYER7F51130.26P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
3AUNTY CHOPPER4761329.87G C Pidgeon (Owen)
4DARREN BALE6253430.01S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
5PEACHY3618530.64C M T Swain (Paralowie)
6TRUE PAL1181230.00A M A Modra (Gawler River)
7OSCAR CHOO2632130.19M S J Payne (Middleton)
8CARRUMBA CENA5515230.11S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
9GAYLAH BALE1145730.42S D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 10Fundraising @ Chasers Stake09:54PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $2,960 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,765 2nd: $520 3rd: $255 Unplaced: $60.


1MUZA’S GIRL1181430.08P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
2LEKTRA IMPACT25722NBTS D Matcott (Murray Bridge)
3ROCKDON TIMES11273FSHK N Gill (Lewiston)
4POPPIN’ OFF6352130.72P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
5ANY DANGER2253630.47G T Smith (Woodside)
6CRAFTY LUCY6553830.30L M Fagan (Two Wells)
7EURIG BALE45365NBTL M Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
8KIHAEL MONARO7111530.56P Jovanovic (Lewiston)
9GYPSY SPY6665429.95A M A Modra (Gawler River)
10MOROCCAN LAD2686630.18D W Decrea (Andrews Farm)
Race No. Stake10:12PM (SAtime)
Grade 6 event over 515 Metres at Angle park Of $2,240 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,360 2nd: $400 3rd: $200 Unplaced: $40.


1SPEED WAY26254NBTK Johnstone (Two Wells)
2SPRING TIGER44762NBTD W Decrea (Andrews Farm)
3GRAND TALLY27277NBTJ R Gale (South Plympton)
4WICKED FISH21335NBTW Sebastyan (Cooke Plains)
5DYNA FLOW43835NBTT H Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
6ALLEN ACTON34743NBTL M Rasmussen (Murray Bridge)
7BIG TIME27161FSHC J Butcher (Meningie)
8AVID TYSON1FSHT Lagana (Gawler River)
9LONELY KNIGHT64677NBTL M Fagan (Two Wells)
10FABULOSITY86327FSHG Grgurovic (Brahma Lodge)
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