Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Greyhound Box Draw For Devonport – Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Race No. 1The Advocate Division112:35 PM
6 event over 452 metres at Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.


1DILSTON LOCH862329.91
2FEAR THE EAGLE377726.13Jillian Stamford
3POSH DIESEL57526.42
4 MOSS667226.73Nicole Howard
5DILSTON BRAE11326.30Neville Allison
6BUCKLE UP SPITZ54826.68Gary Johnson
7MISSILE BEN134625.88
8BIG KID6381NBTRachael Moate
9POSH RENEGADE86626.79Anthony Bullock
10DESTINY’S GEM541526.44Sonia Martin
Race No. 2Dowling Mccarthy Tyres – Launces…12:56 PM
5 event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.


2BRONELLY RAIDER336126.26Anthony Bullock
3SAPPHIRE QUEST113425.64Joan Nichols
5LOCKNANE PEDRO625725.66Dennis Lockley
6WINKLEE TOBY633625.75Edward Howard
7GLADIS GRICE135125.58Amanda Grice
8GANGALLA REBEL138725.84Dale Hammersley
9BUCKLE UP TONY886625.93Arnold Elphinstone
Race No. 3Dowling Mccarthy Tyres – Burnie …1:17 PM
5 event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.


1WINKLEE COLIN253325.81Edward Howard
2LOCKNANE BRUCE376225.82Dennis Lockley
3DROOPY’S ELLA572125.88Gerald Mace
4MONSTER RED488525.54Jillian Stamford
5MASERATTI DUCK717725.84Nicole Howard
6BUCKLE UP NELSON818825.95Gary Johnson
7RULLA HODGE326326.09
8BOLD DANCER356526.08Rodney Walker
9BUCKLE UP GRUMPS844825.67Leon Brazendale
10RETAIL CHART676525.87Edward Medhurst
Race No. 4Hankook Tyres – Driving Emotion …1:34 PM
4 event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $1,975 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,385 2nd: $395 3rd: $195.


1TICKLIN’ BLUE551625.84Butch Deverell
2CHANDALAR161825.68Michael Louth
3MILLY’S LEGACY588825.80Susan Gittus
4HOWZAT PATSY663425.75Anthony Bullock
5ROSE FERN884326.15Rachael Moate
6LOCKNANE EVE725725.52Dennis Lockley
7AEROHOUND478825.95Anthony Bullock
8JOEL’S PRIDE454425.97Dale Hammersley
9MOON BREAKER668825.85Thomas Doherty
10ANNIE’S SONG665525.72Anthony Bullock
Race No. 5 Greyhound Punters Corn…1:52 PM
4/5 event over 580 metres at Devonport Of $1,925 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,350 2nd: $385 3rd: $190.


1MIDNIGHT BIRD644433.22Michael Dobson
2COSMIC FIRE852333.14Sonia Martin
3ADAM’S GUN558333.69Barry Adams
4GEMSTONE JACK553833.65Anthony Bullock
5CHICKA SCOTT221633.41Richard Hall
6BEBE5762NBTAllan Clark
7CHARGING IN751333.34Russell Watts
8TRICKY TAILS114233.02Keith Nichols
9RUNNIN’ HOT7565NBTJohn Wilton
10MENTAL AS BEN778733.53Ricky Martin
Race No. 6Tasracing Angus Evans Memorial D…2:09 PM
SE event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $4,460 Prizemoney.
1st: $3,125 2nd: $890 3rd: $445.


1TECOMA EMILY413225.47Rodney Bragg
2BRUNY VENTURE163325.53Gary Fahey
3HELLO AY JAY325325.23Margaret Rossendell
4LONG VIEW BELLE281225.46Graeme Moate
5CASH AND CO143325.33Rodney Campbell
6MISS STYLIST126225.60Edward Medhurst
7LISHEEN372325.41Michael Louth
8LOCKNANE BILL221225.33Allan Clark
9RETAIL CHART676525.87Edward Medhurst
10MINSTREL PRINCE273525.64Allan Clark
Race No. 7Hotdogs.com.au Division12:27 PM
3 event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $2,035 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,425 2nd: $405 3rd: $205.


1WINKLEE TIP162725.78Edward Howard
2DOUBLE BOGEY317725.70Sonia Martin
3MINSTREL PRINCE273525.64Allan Clark
4RILEY’S PLANET743825.78Allan Clark
5DROOPY’S JACKET821525.61Gerald Mace
6TECOMA BOB461725.55Gerald Mace
7HALF CENTURY155525.70Anthony Bullock
8KATEY ROMAN112425.25Paul Hili
9LOCAL VIEW767725.44Edward Medhurst
10BIG FANCY348825.93Butch Deverell
Race No. 8Dowling Mccarthy Hankook Tyres D…2:44 PM
SE event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $33,745 Prizemoney.
1st: $24,960 2nd: $5,990 3rd: $2,795.


1BREAKER’S TIP155125.26Gary Fahey
2KEUNE154125.04Edward Medhurst
3SHANLYN JED577125.50Graeme Moate
4LORUS TIME434225.40Edward Medhurst
5ELITE ENFIELD813125.26Graeme Barber
6PRESCRIBE252125.09Edward Medhurst
7LEMON SUNRISE181125.58Patrick Ryan
8DROOPY’S DASHER161125.13Gerald Mace
9LONG VIEW BELLE281225.46Graeme Moate
10NEXT MATADOR773225.30Rodney Ransley
Race No. 9Www.hankooktyres.com.au Division…3:19 PM
4 event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $1,975 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,385 2nd: $395 3rd: $195.


1DROOPY’S GEM351125.73Gerald Mace
2PRIORITY PUNTER825125.72Richard Stamford
3HINNOMUNJI FIRE377726.04Anthony Bullock
4MAVISTA FALLS222325.60Anthony Bullock
5ALASKAN PASSAGE335125.82Rodney Bragg
6LYNCAR JERRY211525.67Lynden Nichols
7GUN SWINGER466525.73Susan Gittus
8HAWK TANA124425.90Nicole Howard
9CLASSIC JOEL587725.74Anthony Bullock
10MR. PATONG444425.96Graeme Moate
Race No. 10Dowling Mccarthy Tyres – East De…3:37 PM
5 event over 452 metres at Devonport Of $1,905 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,335 2nd: $380 3rd: $190.


1WHODAT JOKER151626.67Graeme Moate
2NORDIC WARLORD411725.72Keith Nichols
3SPRING STEEN253225.64Jason Barwick
4PENNY’S ROMAN422125.62Paul Hili
5BUCKLE UP BENEAU713125.53Gary Johnson
6BLACK EMBER876225.80Rachael Moate
7GRIND MY GEARS885826.02Leon Brazendale
8FIASCO727725.74Butch Deverell
9WRONG ROAD375825.90Leon Brazendale
10WINKLEE SAND884725.94Edward Howard
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