Greyhound betting strategy

Greyhound racing is commonly referred to as the fastest sport on legs. So, naturally, you can expect an exhilarating rush when you manage to land a winner at 60 kilometres per hour.

While in theory the sport seems simple – eight dogs chase a mechanical lure around a circle – finding a winner can be anything but. 

There are numerous strategies to consider when you decide to place a bet on a greyhound race, and while lucky numbers, funny names, and omen bets work occasionally, you are far more likely to succeed when you take the time to study the form and make informed greyhound betting choices. 

Things to consider when betting on greyhound racing

Australian Racing Greyhound wants to help you find as many winners as possible, so we have devised a list of some of the key factors punters should be aware of before placing a bet on the dish-lickers. Knowing and understanding these elements of greyhound racing can greatly improve your betting strategy.

Greyhound Betting Strategy Guides