Brad Gully And Team Bundy Syndicates Warned Off Racecourses

Stewards were scheduled to open an into “” at the offices of Greyhound Racing SA on the 25th January 2010.

Team Bundy’s Manager Mr Gully, this week failed to appear at the scheduled inquiry and continues to fail to provide details of syndicate members as requested by at .

The serious nature of the allegations leveled against Mr Gully has resulted in GRSA :

  • Cancelling Team Bundy’s registration under Local Rule 27(7)
  • Mr. Brad Gully is now classed as a “warned off person” until such time as he attends the above mentioned inquiry.
  • The continuation of no transfer being accepted for any greyhound under the ownership of Team Bundy without the approval of the GRSA.

As a result effective from Monday 1 February 2010 all greyhounds in the ownership of Team Bundy are unable to be nominated for any race or Qualifying trial.

Although Mr. Gully has notified stewards he intends to transfer the management of all syndicates currently registered under Team Bundy, to the individual syndicate members, GRSA is unable to make further comment until such time as relevant information is received.

If any Team Bundy Syndicate members would like to provide any further information to assist the Stewards, please send correspondence in writing to GRSA at P O Box 2352, Regency Park SA 5942 or email Chief at [email protected]

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