New blood is answer to reclaiming greyhound ‘social licence’
It was an ordinary Sunday, July 10, 2016, but a meeting of a few hundred people in Warners Bay may have been the final nail in greyhound racing’s coffin in NSW. It confirmed everything right and wrong about the industry and ultimately what I believe will bring the code to an end nationwide.
A sport that emerged in Australia in the 1920s would be shelved because an administration, which had going on six years in charge, failed to provide the necessary changes to governance and industry participants behavior to appease modern society, we had failed to secure our social licence.
My belief is the only hope is to clear the deadwood from bodies like the Greyhound Breeders Owners and Trainers Association. Provide a fresh outlook and public image and try and persuade the public we are worthy of continuing the path of “reform” we have begun in the last year. We don’t have years to drag this through Court, we have a few weeks to sway the public and hopefully enough politicians to block the legislation at the next meeting of the assembly.
To completely understand my reasoning, you need to go back to Mike Baird’s announcement on Thursday, that the greyhound industry in NSW would end on July 1, 2017.
Between then and now the industry has reacted. Many are heartbroken; many are outraged and many have vowed to fight, including myself through the use of this website in a bid to alter public perception. There have been a lot of words spoken, a lot of tweets and posts fired off; some good, some bad, some for, many against. But both sides of the equation launched with passion and fervor. The silent majority watched on with amusement and the media had a field day.
Baird’s decision was hasty, based on unproven numbers produced by a Special Commission of Inquiry. Many of the ‘facts’ are supposedly backed by evidence from witnesses, but there seem to be very few people who were actually canvassed, while many assumptions are made. The people running the Inquiry appear less than impartial; and Baird appears motivated by a desperate need for the senate vote of the Animal Justice Party member in the Upper House to get his Safe Schools bill passed when Fred Nile refused to support it.
Complicating the issue, was the 2016 federal election which hung on a knife edge. Malcolm Turnbull’s Liberal party need the backing of anti-gambling crusaders such as Nick Xenophon and at times, most certainly, will need the backing of the left leaning independents and the Greens in the senate.
It was a perfect political storm. And greyhound racing was Captain Billy Tyne’s Andrea Gail. A broken ship looking for a safe harbor to deliver its catch, caught in a powerful confluence of two fronts; well in this case more like five fronts.
Animal Welfare lobbyists have learned their craft well. Movements such as Grey2K in the US have become masters of “drawing the long bow”. If there is a single element of fact that could not be accurately measured, they would extrapolate it out times 10,000. They mastered social media. They mobilized apathetic souls. They understand the power of the emotive image. They didn’t need a call to arms, they knew innately the value of the donate call to action.
Anti-greyhound racing groups in Australia have sprung up. Mostly run by the same people, in a loose cell like structure. They understood the mileage of appearing twice or three times their real number. Even the RSPCA was infiltrated, and has increasingly become more activist than protector.
The money donated to animal welfare groups did not go to new beds, or kennels, or food; it went to billboards, to social media ads, to Google ads that pervade your every online experience. They mastered the art of public perception. More accurately they mastered the art of influencing government perception of public opinion. The NSW GBOTA and GRNSW saw all this happen. They watched on. They did nothing. Let’s not poke the bear they said, he might walk on by. They were wrong.
* Kevin Pitstock is the owner and founder of He has been a participant in the greyhound industry on many levels including trainer, owner, breeder, syndicator and broker.
I am opposed to greyhound racing and support the ban. Having said that this is the first time Ive read from someone within the industry who actually gets it. Actually understands the fight. Even if by chance you win a legal battle how are you going to win the social license? Most in the industry still dismiss us as tree hugging loons fact 70 to 80% of society want to see the industry shutdown due to dog welfare issues. We are not the minority. Failure to understand this is why you are being shut down.
Dave, no-one within the Greyhound Industry dismisses animal activists as tree hugging loons we know they are much more sophisticated than that. There are within the community a number of animal welfare groups who have a genuine concern for greyhounds. A Sydney based couple who dedicate their lives and ALL the money donated to them to feed dogs, provide rugs and new homes- they are opposed to racing and despite being a trainer myself I am happy for them to express their views ( we still live in a democracy) and donate money to them as well. They are genuine, decent… Read more »
Great Article, but is just words? Is there an alternative group ready to take on the role? Or are we stuck with the representation we already have? If a change is going to happen it needs to be now!
magoodwin people,it is useless having a say where the enemy infiltrate. whilst its a free speech world,one needs to EDUCATE the ANIMAL LIBBERS about the industry as a whole….not just as what has been painted by the live baiting episode,and I can guarantee everyone,i have an opinion,libbers have an opinion,and never the two will meet/agree. so I do not want to GO THERE about whose side is right or wrong.enough of that stuff on social medias. now,what KEVIN has written is exactly the basic weakness we have throughout the industry. nice people who mean well,and have volunteered for many… Read more »
I do not agree that the solution to the industry is to remove those currently administering it. The adverse reactions to the industry are all related to animal welfare issues. No one in any animal welfare organisation or members of the community who disagree with racing are the least bit concerned about who is running the show. What they are concerned about are welfare issues. These are the issues that need to be addressed.
Agreed, however you still need the right people to address those issues. If the current representation has failed then we need new blood with a more modern and compassionate mindset to lead the reforms that are obviously needed.
Magoodwin- I take your point- we do need the right people, but if the Queen managed to modernise the British Monarchy when her social license was questioned then reforming the greyhound industry no matter how old some of us are should not really present a problem. What has changed are community standards and expectations. All the greyhound people I know trainers, owners and administrators love the game, love the dogs and are more than capable of modernising greyhound racing and moving with the times. We are very adaptable people. Experience and age combined with youth and enthusiasm would be a good… Read more »
look its simple anyone that’s in charge of a organisation or company and runs it into the ground to the point where it gets ban should STAND DOWN immediately or be forced out .How can you trust someone to enforce animal welfare where they have done very little in the past. I love greyhounds and greyhound racing but its time for a change in nsw
Where were you all when you should have been front-footing this?
You had every opportunity but you all failed.
70 to 80% of society….come on dave that is an complete fabrication if i have ever seen one. In fact i just surveyed the 5 ppl around me and 100% want it to be reinstated
To say everyone had an opportunity to front foot this but failed is rubbish. There are plenty of people who have been racing and owning greyhounds responsibly but not all of us have the capabilities to oversee the reform of the industry. As individuals we have been front footing this as you say. With out the right leadership it will all be in vain. Regardless these petty to and fros do nothing to help either.
I’m just very disappointed in the leadership.
magoodwin Then why weren’t you part of the leadership
30% of people think you’re stats are made up. The other 70% know they are.
Kind of like saying if you are not happy with the government why haven’t you joined parliament..stupid argument..
@DaveSampson did u write the report for mike baird ? You are just as good at making up numbers ha
Deborah555 . those that were in CHARGE,so to speak,are responsible for the current situation. it is well known many in the supposed correct positions,blind eyed when they should have taken steps.AMANDA HILL,remember her, was one who pointed it out clearly there were serious issues,but she was stood away and hastened from the scene. the INABILITY of the stewards at the time clearly shows that the eye was looking in a different direction. and that leads to dubious action and SMOKE & FIRE claims that were rampant then. so,I am sorry DEB,but those who WERE in important roles a year and… Read more »
AaronC_NZ nah,not 100% correct. give you an example of how one owner made a report about an issue to the RIGHT CHANNEL. BUGGER ME IF IT TOOK MONTHS BEFORE HE GOT AN ANSWER……….only to be told they did not think the information supplied was solid enough to make any charges. no one wants their name all over reports etc;,so if that is the way they operate,then one does not and cannot put the old noggin on the chopping block. as time passed,that query was to be proven correct. so front footing is a risk in some actions,but some tried and… Read more »
we the participants relied on our leaders to act for us ,now you can see it was all a radical plan ,government appointed boss to run Greyhound Racing NSW ,he was never going to try and let it flourish ,he was probably very surprised the way the industry embraced and supported every welfare policy thrown at them ,the industry proved they could and would reform ,so we had an inquiry about the sports integrity ,so did QLD and VIctoria ,they made recommendations and moved on supporting the industry to reform ,so what happened in NSW ,the participants agreed to reform… Read more »
dogem53 Deborah555 after the decision to close country tracks where many, many greyhounds not quick enough to win in the city or the tab can get a second chance, generally with a family who do the sport as a hobby I am beginning to be swayed by your arguments.
Deborah555 dogem53 And what happens when those dogs on country tracks get too slow? only so many can go on the couch, soo does the participant pull out of racing once they’ve broken as many dogs as they have room for?
AaronC_NZ Deborah555 dogem53
AaronC Providing alternatives so that greyhounds can race for as long as possible means longer lives and then the solution is restrict breeding and increase rehoming.
Deborah555 that’s the most stupid and selfish idea ever.
Your plan is, to milk the older weaker ones for more races,
and then kill them anyway.
THAT’S first step in your solution?
AaronC_NZ Deborah555 No Aaron that’s what is currently happening to dogs not quick enough for the city or tab class tracks, the dogs already alive and from now on strict limits on breeding and serious rehoming to take place. Suddenly closing country tracks is not a good idea, in my opinion anyway. The dogs that run on country tracks are neither old or weak they are just not fast enough. I am quite happy Aaron to listen to you views and I respect them, however once some-one starts with the personal insults rather than the issues I start to doubt their sincerity. I am happy… Read more »
Deborah555 Different? Deeply flawed and self-serving in this case.
Where do the dogs go when they’re spent? You’re just creating the illusion of a greater solution while in fact creating a greater problem for another day.
Its not how you save your industry, thats for sure.
AaronC_NZ Deborah555 As I said Aaron once you start getting emotional and insulting and making judgements that are simply your opinion and parading them as facts, I start doubting your sincerity. You have reached the stage where what you want to do is insult me, make judgements on my character, challenge my intellect. America rehomes almost all their greyhounds, so why can’t we?
Deborah555 Er… Do they? Very few states have racing there and the country is gigantic.. I know of many rescue groups there who wouldn’t need to exist if racing enthusiasts truely loved their dogs.
There’s still a very legit and successful movement in America to ban greyhound racing countrywide too. Where-ever there is racing, there are racing related problems. Enoughs, enough.
AaronC_NZ Deborah555 this is better Aaron ( except the er – just a little bit sarcastic and emotional with just a hint that maybe your facts are better than mine) otherwise I would have given you top marks for this response. You are right they do have a much bigger population base than we do and not all states race, but they still have an enormously successful rehoming programme. The figures that I have read and I will stand corrected if proven wrong are about 96% which is a very impressive statistic. The anti greyhound racing movement in America has always pushed for… Read more »
So taking action is ok so long as its spending money cleaning up after you?
AaronC_NZ all racing codes provide vast sums of money to government revenues which are used to fund schools, roads, pensions etc. etc. Gambling is a terrific fund raiser. The idea that it is taxpayer sponsored is quite incorrect. The welfare agencies are not cleaning up after me. All my greyhounds stay with me after they have finished racing and I make donations to greyhound rehoming. Every trainer I know has old dogs, has kept many dogs after their racing career is over. With the exception of the elite trainers everyone else has slow dogs in their kennels and it really doesn’t matter… Read more »
Deborah555 aaron is just being a troll .look at his profile its all negative comments towards greyhound racing ,he doesn’t care about the greyhounds he just cares about upsetting ppl who love and care for them .how many domestic canines get put down per year because ppl no longer want them ?should we ban everyone from owning a canine because a small percentage of heartless ppl do the wrong thing?