Rebecca Watson Disqualified For 18 Months
RWWA Stewards today completed their inquiry with respect to Greyhound Trainer Miss Rebecca Watson arising from the inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the presence of 61 greyhounds at a Nambeelup Park kennel property, the persons associated with these greyhounds and the actions and associations of registered persons with disqualified person Mr Graham Berry.
The inquiry had 3 previous sittings on 26 June, 10 and 31 July 2014, where evidence was taken from RWWA Principal Investigator Mr Phil O’Reilly, Deputy Chief Steward Mr Paul Searle, Ms Rebecca Watson, Mr Kody Charles, Mr Larry Valenti, Mr Tim Mullany, Mr Glen Price and Mr Dan Biddle. Ms Linda Hulsinga and Mr Graham Berry were also called to the inquiry.
At a hearing on 31 July 2014, Miss Watson was found guilty to two under GAR 86 (ah) in that she associated with disqualified person Mr Graham Berry for the purposes of greyhound racing by relocating greyhounds discovered at the property at Nambeelup by Stewards on 9 April 2014.
Miss Watson pleaded guilty to a third charge under Rule 136 relating to relocating 16 of COSMIC RUMBLE/KIP DYNAMITE PUPS to the property in question prior to the litter being ear-branded and micro-chipped without the consent of the Controlling Body.
In considering an appropriate penalty, Stewards took into account, amongst other things;
– Miss Watson’s previous record and personal circumstances
– The seriousness and circumstances of the offences
– Her level of involvement with respect to the relocation of the greyhounds concerned in relation to Charges 1 and 2
– The need for deterrence both general and specific
In relation to the two charges under GAR86 (ah) Stewards imposed a disqualification of eighteen (18) months. In relation to the charge under Rule 136, Stewards imposed a disqualification of nine (9) months.
All penalties are to be served concurrently.
Inquiries in relation to charges issued to Mr Tim Mullany, Mr Kody Charles, Ms Linda Hulsinga, Mr Glen Price, and Mr Graham Berry arising from this matter are currently in progress.