RWWA Take Hardline On Misconduct – Two Month Disqualification For Swearing
RWWA Stewards today concluded an inquiry into an incident involving Owner/Attendant Ms Karen Knuckey that occurred in the public enclosure area during the race meeting conducted at Greyhounds WA Mandurah on Thursday 13th September 2012.
Evidence was heard from Ms K Knuckey, Mr G Berry, Owner Ms A Scott, Security Guard Mr D Phelps and Kiosk Employee Ms E Harrison.
Ms Knuckey pleaded guilty to a charge under R86(o) for misconduct with the particulars of the charge being that Ms Knuckey swore several times in a loud manner whilst in the public enclosure area during the race meeting.
Ms Knuckey further pleaded guilty to a charge under R86(e) for failing to attend the original inquiry that was scheduled for the 25th September 2012.
In respect to the misconduct offence under Rule 86 (o), Ms Knuckey was disqualified for a period of two months with immediate effect, expiring at midnight on the 7th December 2012.
In respect to the failing to attend offence under Rule 86 (e), Ms Knuckey was fined $400.
When considering penalty, the Stewards took into account the following:
- That this was Ms Knuckey’s third behaviour related offence.
- Ms Knuckey’s personal circumstances.
- Ms Knuckey’s guilty plea, frank admissions and remorse
- The seriousness and circumstances of the offence.