Auckland Cup

Addington NZ greyhound tips

Addington betting preview & quaddie picks | Thursday, 27/4/23

New Zealand greyhound racing will be run at Addington on Thursday, April 27. See all the top best & quaddie selections for race night.
Addington NZ greyhound tips

Thursday’s Addington greyhound tips & odds | March 30, 2023

High-grade racing returns to Addington again on Thursday evening, and with a cold front passing through New Zealand at the moment, the greyhounds will know...

Dirk Bale breaks through for maiden group 1 in 2018 Auckland Cup

DIRK Bale (Fernando Bale x Langi Bale Aug ’15) stepped out of the shadows of his star litter brother Allen Ablett when recording an all...

Fahey chasing back to back Auckland Cup titles

FORMER New South Wales sprinter Shallay Pallay (Barcia Bale x Set To Shine Jul ’15) will be aiming to keep his unbeaten New Zealand record...