Rob Sharp

Tony Desira Disqualified Following Four Positive Swabs

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) stewards on Thursday 16 October 2014 inquired into the analysts’ reports of the finding of caffeine and its metabolites, theophylline, paraxanthine,...

Bells Fair Sets New Bathurst 307m Track Record

Exciting short-courser Bells Fair smashed the 307 metres track record at Kennerson Park on Saturday. Adding to his already impressive track stats on the Bathurst...

Orange Slipping Track Update

When greyhound racing at Wade Park came to an end in November 2005, many feared it would be the death of the sport in Orange....

Orange Slipping Track “On Track”

The NSW GBOTA‘s slipping track at Orange is expected to be ready for use within two months. Situated at the Orange Harness Racing Club, the...