Friday 30th November 2012

Greyhound Box Draw For Gawler – Friday 30th November 2012

Race No. 1The Bunyip Open Maiden Stake12:40PM (SAtime)
Maiden N/P event over 400 Metres at Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1VERY SHARPFSHT J Amos (Gepps Cross)
2ARNEIS4NBTC T Cotton (Lewiston)
3*** VACANT BOX ***
4BLUE BEGINNINGS34367NBTR Drurey (Woodville Gardens)
5UNCLE’S ANGEL55358NBTB G Prouse (Kadina)
6*** VACANT BOX ***
7BUSTA’S ROCKET223NBTJ W Hancock (Nuriootpa)
8HAYRIDE NIP57241NBTD A Perry (Two Wells)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 2Kingsford Hotel Open Maiden Stake12:58PM (SAtime)
Maiden N/P event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1DUST STORMER64452NBTK J Mcauley (Lewiston)
2LUCIAN CANE26666NBTA L Fry (Lewiston)
3*** VACANT BOX ***
4BLACK MACAQUE7NBTC T Cotton (Lewiston)
5AMBITIOUS GOLD43734NBTR J Fletcher (Bow Hill)
6*** VACANT BOX ***
8UNO MAGPIE76NBTB R Cleggett (Laura)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 3Pets Tucker Open Maiden Stake01:15PM (SAtime)
Maiden N/P event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1BOSS POWER BULLFSHJ W Hancock (Nuriootpa)
2BYE HOOVER17558NBTM D Haworth (Flagstaff Hill)
3OCEAN WAVE873NBTB R Cleggett (Laura)
4HAYRIDE TUCK374NBTD A Perry (Two Wells)
5*** VACANT BOX ***
6ANIMALISTIC63632NBTR L Isaacson (Lewiston)
7SPIKE’S A FLYERFSHE Holland (Lewiston)
8BELLA KAI65785FSHK J Mcauley (Lewiston)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 4Dinky Di Web Designs Juvenile Stake01:33PM (SAtime)
Juvenile event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1EMERLEY MYSTIC3667623.44R Panagiotou (Evanston Gardens)
2PANDORA KIST2871323.10P E Hurley (Two Wells)
3*** VACANT BOX ***
4SANZZE 7685723.07T Lagana (Gawler River)
5*** VACANT BOX ***
6KENNY TWO FACES81335FSHS N Topp (Mildura)
7*** VACANT BOX ***
8NICHOLAS JACK1231622.73T L Kelly (Two Wells)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 5Gawler South Bakery01:50PM (SAtime)
Grade 6 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1BOUNDING BOBBY24554NBTR J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
2TALKING MONZA3861823.32R J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
3PRISTINE JUSTICE1467623.47K L Blakemore (Gawler)
4ARCTIC TYSON4463623.32T Lagana (Gawler River)
5JACK’S BLUE GIRL3374423.51R Drurey (Woodville Gardens)
6STEAM ROLLER1622623.32L R Harris (Willaston)
7EL COLUMBIA2245523.75B G Prouse (Kadina)
8GLAD MAN15144NBTR A Mackellar (Lewiston)
9RUSHIN’ MAID57876NBTN L Isaacson (Lewiston)
10MEIKA MAGIC36185NBTK J Mcauley (Lewiston)
Race No. 6Arclight Photography02:08PM (SAtime)
Grade 6 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1FIRST CALL86434FSTDR J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
2KILLER TIA18FSHK A Myers (Christies Beach)
3DORKUS MALORKUS1288NBTR A Mackellar (Lewiston)
4WHAT’S BLITZING14323.22C T Cotton (Lewiston)
5GOOFY SNOUT146FSHL R Harris (Willaston)
6FIERY MCBAIN2312223.03T L Kelly (Two Wells)
7DON’S ROXY2651723.48B G Prouse (Kadina)
8ZORRO FIRE886F2FSHA J Martin (Elizabeth Park)
9MEIKA MAGIC36185NBTK J Mcauley (Lewiston)
10RUSHIN’ MAID57876NBTN L Isaacson (Lewiston)
Race No. 7My Ani-mall Pet Food Mixed Stake02:25PM (SAtime)
Mixed 4/5 N/P event over 531 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1JUST CHASES5272231.11D J Turner (Lewiston)
2PURE DOLL78872NBTK J Mcauley (Lewiston)
3 SALY ANN8757831.33A G Reed (Port Pirie)
4AMALIA ALLEN38423NBTD J Turner (Lewiston)
5HEZA CONTENDER2786831.21J W Hancock (Nuriootpa)
6LADY SPINELLO76673NBTK J Mcauley (Lewiston)
7TANGO MAN154F430.89K J Mcauley (Lewiston)
8IMPERIAL BLACK4543731.42K L Wittholz (Lewiston)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 8Adelaide Plains Vet Services Stake02:43PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 Tier 3 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1REGAL KILLER2361523.17K A Myers (Christies Beach)
2FLYING JACK5667823.15C Lopresto (Lewiston)
3QUICK SPUR8464823.04A G Reed (Port Pirie)
4GIMME LOVE5584222.94R P Fewings (Parafield Gardens)
5SAN RIO GRANDE3635823.12N M Aikin (Lewiston)
6BOSS SCRUFFY WAG3636422.98J W Hancock (Nuriootpa)
7MISS LASH8647523.05J M Sharpe (Paralowie)
8BANK ON DOOM8625222.67K L Wittholz (Lewiston)
9SUSPICIOUS BOB8787723.41R J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
10SUSPICIOUS SARAH3885823.24R J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
Race No. 9 Program Sa Stake02:59PM (SAtime)
Grade 5 Tier 3 event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1COOL TILLI5137523.20K J Mcauley (Lewiston)
2BURB’S OCTANE67881FSHA J Martin (Elizabeth Park)
3PHIL DE 6655522.94B R Cleggett (Laura)
4TIGGERLONG TONKA44388NBTM Giniotis (Two Wells)
5HEARTS OF FIRE6662223.16R J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
6SPOTTED KASPER53F5523.14K L Edwards (Two Wells)
7COOL TAPPIN’3123422.94D J Turner (Lewiston)
8CLOSING ECHO5667823.05L Trzeciak (Gladstone)
9TAJ STAR3168722.95J W Hancock (Nuriootpa)
10SUSPICIOUS BOB8787723.41R J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
Race No. 10Kingsford Hotel Mixed Stake03:22PM (SAtime)
Mixed 3/4/5 N/P event over 400 Metres at Gawler Of $890 Prizemoney.
1st: $545 2nd: $160 3rd: $80 Unplaced: $15.


1MIKI MOTO MIKE62858NBTB H (Two Wells)
2BETTER SHINE1472323.20B R Cleggett (Laura)
3EVERGREEN BOY2127623.22S N Topp (Mildura)
4WHAT’S RUNNING2121322.75C T Cotton (Lewiston)
5IKARI HONCHO32266NBTM Giniotis (Two Wells)
6 STAR GIRL7744623.12V S Kellaway (Willaston)
7BUDDY MAGICIAN6614222.94C T Cotton (Lewiston)
8KAY BEE DOUGLAS65878NBTR Drurey (Woodville Gardens)
9SUSPICIOUS SARAH3885823.24R J Mcauley-Fry (Lewiston)
10TAJ STAR3168722.95J W Hancock (Nuriootpa)
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