Thursday, 27 August 2015

Greyhound Box Draw For Hobart – Thursday, 27 August 2015

Race No. 1Spud Regis At Stud Division17:04 PM
6 event over 461 metres at Of $1,980 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,400 2nd: $390 3rd: $190.


1SHOGUN STEEL6421NBTAnthony Bullock
2WYNBURN WHISPER246326.54Susan Gittus
3MORTAKI861427.05Scott Rowlands
4METEOR IMPACT3416NBTAnthony Bullock
5SAUBER MAN88NBTNicholas Howard
7REGENT ASSASSIN234226.56Graeme Barber
8BLACK EMBER232526.36Rachael Moate
9SHORT STORY436827.57Patrick Pearce
10UNGUARDED MOMENT782726.99Patrick Pearce
Race No. 2Spud Regis At Stud Division17:29 PM
M event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,620 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,145 2nd: $320 3rd: $155.


1TECOMA MAISY2626.53Thomas Astbury
2MISS INFORMED322526.61Jason Barwick
3KIALDU DEAN367526.57Anthony Bullock
4BENJI FARMER773526.62Jared Davies
5LYNCAR HEATH8688NBTLynden Nichols
6LOCKNANE PEDRO633226.54Dennis Lockley
7LOUIS SMITH752726.53Patrick Hall
8SIR FLASHALOT753326.76Patrick Hall
9SHIMMY IT685626.76Michael Sutcliffe
10MR. FENCER574626.46Allan Anderson
Race No. 3Spud Regis At Stud Division17:52 PM
FFA event over 340 metres at Hobart Of $2,330 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,645 2nd: $460 3rd: $225.


1JULIA FLY’S231319.42Anthony Bullock
2DAWN’S BEST111219.51Michael Pearce
3ARCHIE NINKASI648419.51Peter Higgins
4SIMPLY DAWN221119.60Patrick Pearce
5HONEST TO ROD625419.60Anthony Bullock
7OUTSIDE IN186519.87Eileen Thomas
8DEB’S HONOUR432119.50Michael Pearce
9GO MINNIE GO313719.77Patrick Pearce
10ROCK ROYALTY3374NBTDarren Critchley
Race No. 4Spud Regis At Stud Division18:12 PM
J/G event over 599 metres at Hobart Of $1,980 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,400 2nd: $390 3rd: $190.


1MIDNIGHT BIRD226234.45Michael Dobson
2KINLOCH’S WAY232235.61Russell Watts
3WORK IT837735.18Michael Sutcliffe
4BIG JACK JUNIOR628436.02Darren Critchley
5GUTHRIE325134.65Allan Anderson
6PRINCESS ZARA676434.87Graeme Moate
7ESCAPE4237NBTThomas Johnson
8ORIGIN DECIDER487635.55Shane Stennings
9SHIMMY IT685635.47Michael Sutcliffe
Race No. 5Spud Regis At Stud Division18:35 PM
5 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,980 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,400 2nd: $390 3rd: $190.


1BUCKLE UP JEM257226.76Kevin Cocks
2LOCKNANE EVE212226.35Dennis Lockley
3DRUM GROHL644426.46Nicole Howard
4HELLYEAH SKEETA545126.64Anthony Bullock
6FLYING FRAN546126.74Eileen Thomas
8MOUNTAIN CUZ657326.62Lynden Nichols
9BRONELLY 565626.63Anthony Bullock
10MR. FENCER574626.46Allan Anderson
Race No. 6Spud Regis At Stud Division18:55 PM
4 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $2,050 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,445 2nd: $405 3rd: $200.


1CRYSTAL’S WAY138326.44Anthony Bullock
2MAURIE BABA736826.13Loretta Mcshane
3LYNCAR JERRY257126.28Lynden Nichols
4TOUCH OF VENUS487126.34
6LAKE HYLIA538526.44Nicholas White
7SALEGREYS CHATTA728526.52Andrea Mcconnon
8BLACK SHUCK654326.37Graeme Moate
9PEDRO’S VINEYARD382426.47Allan Anderson
10MR. PATONG476526.51Graeme Moate
Race No. 7Noel Vince Memorial Division19:15 PM
BT8 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $2,830 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,990 2nd: $560 3rd: $280.


1POSH FIRE242525.90Anthony Bullock
2TECOMA EMILY141126.24Thomas Astbury
3ELITE ENFIELD163326.09Graeme Barber
4RETAIL CHART126125.85
6STAR CHAMBER173225.91Edward Medhurst
7BULLA COUNTRY161626.23Michael Pearce
8HOWZAT PATSY751126.16Anthony Bullock
Race No. 8Spud Regis At Stud Division29:39 PM
5 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,980 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,400 2nd: $390 3rd: $190.


1HINNOMUNJI FIRE655726.67Anthony Bullock
3TAHITIAN MISS526.78Steven O’brien
4ARCTIC POSH121526.61Allan Clark
5TRICKY KID234226.10Philip Cassidy
6BAGS OF HOPE821226.53Gayelene Townsend
7BOLD DANCER112726.50Rodney Walker
8BUCKLE UP TURBO787827.23Kevin Cocks
9IDLE BYE388726.58Ian Callinan
10BRONELLY STRIKE565626.63Anthony Bullock
Race No. 9Spud Regis At Stud Division29:58 PM
4 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $2,050 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,445 2nd: $405 3rd: $200.


1IMMORTAL DREAM115126.27Russell Watts
2MASON PINES514626.30Anthony Bullock
3LORUS TIME361126.19Edward Medhurst
4BALLISTIC FIRE622626.28Jared Davies
5LOCKNANE OSCAR134226.21David Polley
6ARNHEM ROGUE473726.45Anthony Bullock
7FANTASTIC MICK41X426.77Michael Stringer
8KNOX AND RATTLES716126.29Nicholas Howard
9BIT HOT RUSTY513726.17Andrea Mcconnon
10PEDRO’S VINEYARD382426.47Allan Anderson
Race No. 10Spud Regis At Stud Division310:22 PM
5 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,980 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,400 2nd: $390 3rd: $190.


1IT IS WRITTEN277326.72Eileen Thomas
2VEETEE GUN126.45Michael Stringer
3JOE EMERY413526.58Anthony Bullock
4LOCKNANE BILL142126.82Allan Clark
5AEROHOUND542826.49Anthony Bullock
6CYNDIANA MISS4325NBTBruce Macrostie
7SIMPLY MAYBE2217NBTAllan Anderson
8MILLY’S LEGACY7841NBTSusan Gittus
9TY’S HOUDINI666827.50Clinton Tapp
10IZON BOBBY665627.00
Race No. 11Spud Regis At Stud Division410:42 PM
5 event over 461 metres at Hobart Of $1,980 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,400 2nd: $390 3rd: $190.


1SPANISH MIX7126.41Patrick Ryan
2HUNTER’S HERO616526.63Eileen Thomas
3FERARO FORTE645626.46Susan Gittus
4CHARGING IN448126.79Russell Watts
5353726.56Anthony Bullock
6WHY NOT LISA7658NBTClinton Tapp
7LOCKNANE BRUCE353326.24David Polley
8JOFFA’S ME MATE126526.36Katrina Gregory
9IDLE BYE388726.58Ian Callinan
10IZON BOBBY665627.00Gavin Whitney
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