Sunday 2nd December 2012
Greyhound Box Draw For Sale – Sunday 2nd December 2012
Race No. 1Angroves Maiden Ht105:54PM (VICtime)
Maiden Heat event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $1,415 Prizemoney.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1HILLBILLY DIRECT23623NBTP M Tabone (Nambrok)
5CROSSCHECK2226FSHJ Condon (Tooradin)
6DITZY LEA8FSHP L Hunt (Avalon)
7JACK BURSTF6NBTK J Iles (Cranbourne)
8RUSTY ROSE2257NBTS Chignell (Rosedale)
9GANGNAM GIRLFSHS O Mills (Tooradin)
10DASH OF OCTANE37443FSHS Kipirtidis (Cranbourne South)
Race No. 2Angroves Maiden Ht206:14PM (VICtime)
Maiden Heat event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $1,415 Prizemoney.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1OMEGA LOCHY3375NBTB A Harper (Seaspray)
2ONE LAST CHANCE8NBTJ R Healey (Kilmany)
3SUPER FLY55833NBTW P D Read (Devon Meadows)
4ROZEHILL SANYA24NBTJ E Simmonds (Boolarra)
5BRIAG THOMAS5NBTL Newton (Briagolong)
6ANGENI3NBTC J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
7INTRUSIVEFSHB C Toner (Giffard West)
8NASTY CANASTA7NBTT W Chatwin (Nicholson)
10GUNMETAL ROSE28566NBTS Chignell (Rosedale)
Race No. 3Angroves Maiden Ht306:37PM (VICtime)
Maiden Heat event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $1,415 Prizemoney.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1ULTIMATE FOSSILS33251NBTK Bentley (Costerfield)
2GET UP SALLY3FSHS O Mills (Tooradin)
4JIMMY THE JET7FSHG J Clifton (Nar Nar Goon)
5SMURF FAT ALBERT57NBTC A Tabone (Nambrok)
6TALENROY5NBTC Morris (Briagolong)
7WILD PATHFSHD H Dawson (Crossover)
8VOSS GIRL34735NBTR A Delahunty (Yarram)
10VALIANT CRUSADE63445FSHP L Hunt (Avalon)
Race No. 4Angroves Maiden Ht406:52PM (VICtime)
Maiden Heat event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $1,415 Prizemoney.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1st: $990 2nd: $285 3rd: $140.
1SPLASH OF NITRO68NBTK J Iles (Cranbourne)
2RIVERSIDE RILEY6NBTC J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
3HOT SYND34NBTS A Mifsud (Hernes Oak)
4SNOW BACKFSHD B Curtain (Drouin)
5TUBBY TAYLOR22423FSHD H Dawson (Crossover)
6SHE GONE64NBTJ Thompson (Pearcedale)
7WHITE FRECKLE25NBTC W Leviston (Traralgon)
8MICK MOWFSHG Debono (Lang Lang)
10WOONDELLA LASS3766NBTB H Russell (Sale)
Race No. 5Bb’s Christmas Final (gobis)07:15PM (VICtime)
Grade 5 Final event over 520 Metres at Sale Of $2,503,250 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,750 2nd: $500 3rd: $2,501,000.
1st: $1,750 2nd: $500 3rd: $2,501,000.
1SILVER SPIDER8556129.82J Thompson (Pearcedale)
2YOUR NO MATCH74822NBTM J Whelan (Metung)
3HANDSOME SHIRAZ4863130.14B Divirgilio (Devon Meadows)
4WADELOCK GALO26527NBTM J Clohesy (Stratford)
6ULTIMATE REFUND6411429.87C Medcraft (Costerfield)
7KING SLAYER88112NBTJ H Mcintyre (Ripplebrook)
8DON’S FANTASY6611130.06N Vincent (Lal Lal)
9LINDEN KING76142NBTA Ferguson (Briagolong)
10HURRICANE ISAAC15332NBTA Flores (Yinnar South)
Race No. 6Grv Vbis Maiden Series Final (gobis)07:39PM (VICtime)
Maiden Final event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $10,710,640 Prizemoney.
1st: $7,500 2nd: $2,140 3rd: $10,701,000.
1st: $7,500 2nd: $2,140 3rd: $10,701,000.
1DE SHI VON22NBTC J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
2BLUE DUCK ROSE6353125.63S Chignell (Rosedale)
3DR. AREEIA48432NBTW J Mcmahon (Darriman)
4BLUE CHIEF1225.73C J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
5TAPER JEAN GIRL1125.62W A Vassallo (Devon Meadows)
6ROCKVEL2125.39E M Sykes (Beaconsfield Upper)
7PRINCE DE GALLES1125.27C J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
8IRISH CREAM1225.38B A Harper (Seaspray)
9ABIGAIL ROSE1326.02J Chignell (Rosedale)
10BLUE SWAN ROSE1325.51J Chignell (Rosedale)
Race No. 7Bsg Go Distance Racing $2,000 Bonus07:57PM (VICtime)
Mixed 4/5 event over 650 Metres at Sale Of $4,005 Prizemoney.
1st: $2,805 2nd: $800 3rd: $400.
1st: $2,805 2nd: $800 3rd: $400.
1BEYOND BROOKLYN2521537.82A Ferguson (Briagolong)
2EFFONE73546NBTW J Duve (Denison)
3GRAND GARCON66357NBTP E Giles (Moe)
4BLACK DEAUVILLE6316437.94P E Giles (Moe)
5ODDBALL51373FSHE Lieshout (Drouin West)
6REGAL GATE54654FSHG J Bate (Lara)
8OILY7356238.23C L Haigh (Crossover)
9CHARLIE BOOTS87536FSHJ C Rohan (Trafalgar)
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 8Money! Money! Money!08:12PM (VICtime)
Free For All event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $2,360 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,650 2nd: $475 3rd: $235.
1st: $1,650 2nd: $475 3rd: $235.
1RECKLING7426425.05J K Grima (Koo Wee Rup)
2AMAROO SHARPA8534725.60S Coulson (Balliang)
3ALLEN BENJI3244124.75G J Bate (Lara)
4DARKEN RAHL8376124.93C J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
5VIXEN RED1365225.13L A Hughes (Longford)
6LET’S GO NELLIE6532625.05B A Harper (Seaspray)
7VOODOO TOWN2173325.18L R Russell (Sale)
8SAM’S KINGDOM5712224.90C J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
9*** NO RESERVE ***
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 908:32PM (VICtime)
Mixed 4/5 event over 520 Metres at Sale Of $2,005 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,405 2nd: $400 3rd: $200.
1st: $1,405 2nd: $400 3rd: $200.
1BUSTINO3343629.90C J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
2DAINTREE ATOM51347NBTP W Spiteri (Morwell)
3TAX WRITE OFF41186FSTDK M Houlahan (Grantville)
4COOL DUFFY4336430.24D B Curtain (Drouin)
5LINDEN KING76142NBTA Ferguson (Briagolong)
6ALETA ALLEN6343129.69G J Bate (Lara)
7SQUEEKY TAYLOR22273NBTN J Lund (Cranbourne)
8NORTHERN TROUBLE21635FSTDF E Alister (Cranbourne South)
9KINETIC BOOST76868NBTW P D Read (Devon Meadows)
10*** NO RESERVE ***
Race No. 10Bairnsdale Social Club08:50PM (VICtime)
Mixed 4/5 event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $2,005 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,405 2nd: $400 3rd: $200.
1st: $1,405 2nd: $400 3rd: $200.
1BATTINA BALE26233NBTG J Bate (Lara)
2FLAMENA1142125.35D B Curtain (Drouin)
3GREYSYND ROCK2143725.39W J Duve (Denison)
4SCHWARTZ GIRL27557NBTD B Curtain (Drouin)
5KASUNDI8548225.09C J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
6BATTLE ROSE4315725.00J Chignell (Rosedale)
7MAKE THE CALL3532324.78C J Johannsen (Devon Meadows)
9MR. MACQUIRE8783625.07J G Gieschen (Valencia Creek)
10TOM TUKAN8785625.24B C Toner (Giffard West)
Race No. 111300hotwater09:10PM (VICtime)
Grade 5 event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $1,890 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,325 2nd: $375 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,325 2nd: $375 3rd: $190.
1LUCK ME DAYS87518FSHG J Bate (Lara)
2OUR MATILDA5118525.23M J Giles (Mirboo North)
3MISS BENBRIDGE35518NBTW P D Read (Devon Meadows)
4DAVE CULPRIT21442NBTJ L Mcmahon (Darriman)
5DR. PYROIS2721825.20J L Mcmahon (Darriman)
6DAINTREE CHENGDU23453NBTP W Spiteri (Morwell)
7HEZA BLAZIN’8223525.16R S Sellings (Maffra)
8GUILTY AS CHARGE76611NBTD B Curtain (Drouin)
9ORARA MAX21754NBTC Galea (Hazelwood North)
10POWERFUL FLIGHTF2222FSHJ C Rohan (Trafalgar)
Race No. 12Win Tv09:30PM (VICtime)
Grade 5 event over 440 Metres at Sale Of $1,890 Prizemoney.
1st: $1,325 2nd: $375 3rd: $190.
1st: $1,325 2nd: $375 3rd: $190.
1SKEET WITH GRACE24213NBTL R Russell (Sale)
2DAKKA JACK23621NBTP L Hunt (Avalon)
3DR. ELLISE32744NBTJ L Mcmahon (Darriman)
4SIR BENJAMIN JON2612625.21B Divirgilio (Devon Meadows)
5FALLS ROAD MAN2225F25.51P M Tabone (Nambrok)
6ABIGAIL ROSE1326.02J Chignell (Rosedale)
7SELECT JOSS5242526.05K Bailey (Stratford)
8MIGHTY FLASHY5731325.98N Gieschen (Maffra)
9SONIC BARNSEY1425.64M Clay (Lang Lang)
10SORRY BUDDY25321FSHF Vassallo (Doveton)