Monday, 14 September 2015

Greyhound Box Draw For Traralgon – Monday, 14 September 2015

Race No. 1Happy 50th (275+ Rank)3:29 PM (VIC time)
Grade 7 event over 315 metres at Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1CLASSY CAITLYN (QLD)[7]87888FSHM Height (Yarragon)
2HEZA DEE LIGHT [7]82588FSHT Whitford ()
3LOYAL MISS (NSW)[7]38738NBTV Sultana (Newborough)
4ASTON ZEUS (SA)[7]28644FSHB Moles (Allambee Reserve)
5REMEMBRANCE DAY [7]76678FSHS Thomas (Junction Village)
6ON FLYER [7]84364NBTC Mason (Neerim South)
7NIKITA’S NITRO [7]88373FSHT Kennedy-harris (Somerville)
8CHLOE GRACE [7]65627FSHD Petersen (Wangaratta)
9BANDIT BRAD [7]Res.8888FNBTV Sultana (Newborough)
Race No. 2#gothebluedog (275+ Rank)3:47 PM (VIC time)
Grade 7 event over 315 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1MY SUPERSTAR [7]188FSHC Johnson (Longford)
2ARVO’S SAMARAS [7]63546NBTG Arvanitis (Nyora)
3DYLKAH’S MAMMAR [7]61365FSHS Levett (Delahey)
4GUN LAW LEVO [7]18784FSHG Dalton (Hazelwood )
5RAVENWOOD [7]5131518.68(3)A Wood (Nambrok)
6PULLY GEORGE [7]88888FSHS Thomas (Junction Village)
7JAYDED CRISIS [7]65284NBTR Cook (Munro)
8WHERE’S SALMA [7]86484FSTDP Trim (Devon Meadows)
9BANDIT BRAD [7]Res.8888FNBTV Sultana (Newborough)
Race No. 3Printmac Gippsland (275+ Rank)4:09 PM (VIC time)
Grade 5 No Penalty event over 315 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1BIG VEE [5]66876FSHM Braithwaite (Moe)
2GARAOLE [5]77888FSHT Whitford (Sale)
3WON WRON FLYER [5]57554NBTP Pollutro (Morwell)
4ARVO’S JOY [5]16675FSTDG Arvanitis (Nyora)
5RUNAROUND SUSAN [5]66F18FSHS Trim (Devon Meadows)
6GRAND PUZZLE [5]75848NBTA Ashworth ()
7PARANORMAN (NSW)[5]64677FSHD Petersen (Wangaratta)
8GANGSTER GUN [5]26328FSHG James (Woodleigh)
9YAZZ [5]Res.F587TNBTT Kennedy-harris (Somerville)
Race No. 44:27 PM (VIC time)
Grade 5 No Penalty event over 315 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1HIPPY JET [5]71688FSTDT Whitford (Sale)
2GIFTED MAN [5]88867FSTDA Gringhuis (Ripplebrook)
3KATHY’S QUEEN (NSW)[5]22746FSHJ Naughton (Berwick)
4MISS GEEVES [5]46867FSTDD Dawson (Crossover)
5HELLO BILLY [5]47T68NBTJ Carrodus-nagy (Traralgon)
6VALLETTA KNIGHT (QLD)[5]67726NBTJ Nicholls (Melton West)
7MISS SPENCE [5]88867FSTDR Ashworth (Seaton)
8MAP IT OUT [5]15675FSHP Brown (Loch)
9YAZZ [5]Res.F587TNBTT Kennedy-harris (Somerville)
Race No. 5Winning Post Supplies (275+ Rank)4:49 PM (VIC time)
Grade 5 No Penalty event over 395 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1MASTER PHELPS [5]57838NBTR Cook (Munro)
2FLYING ALF [5]54568FSHF Ryan (Koo Wee Rup)
3JULES NORRIS (QLD)[5]35247NBTJ Gill (Darriman)
4PAPILLON [5]22678NBTS Labozzetta (Cheltenham)
5OUR BLUE EARNER [5]46572NBTD Jones (Devon Meadows)
6BROAD BETTY [5]77677NBTT Whitford (Sale)
7BRANDON’S WAY [5]77785FSTDT Jones (Devon Meadows)
8ARVO’S VIOLET [5]87718NBTK Arvanitis (Nyora)
9YAZZ [5]Res.F587TFSTDT Kennedy-harris (Somerville)
Race No. 6 (275+ Rank)5:07 PM (VIC time)
Mixed 6/7 event over 525 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1DR. LEONARDO [6]32617FSTDJ Mcmahon (Darriman)
2KON EL [6]811F831.05(1)R Cook (Munro)
3FANCIFUL INDIE [7]81487FSHR Mcrae (Junction Village)
4VEETEE GLAMOUR [6]53558FSHW Duve (Denison)
5MISS KADIA [6]53837NBTA Gringhuis (Ripplebrook)
6ADARA LAD [7]57584FSHC Mason (Neerim South)
7MARCIARNO MISS [6]34645NBTS Neocleous (Yinnar South)
8 KNIGHT [7]7743131.10(8)M Williams (Pakenham)
9THREE DAY SHADOW (NSW)[6]Res.42736FSHL Weeks (Tyabb)
Race No. (275+ Rank)5:29 PM (VIC time)
Grade 5 No Penalty event over 395 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1TUB’S ROCKET [5]7853FNBTK Iles (Longwarry)
2DR. DAWN [5]64848NBTJ Mcmahon (Darriman)
3DR. RAHOUAL [5]47174FSHJ Mcmahon (Darriman)
4LUCY NORRIS (QLD)[5]88443NBTJ Gill (Darriman)
5DR. PETER [5]73767FSTDJ Gill (Darriman)
6AMBER BLAZE [5]F4525FSTDG Jennings (Churchill)
7RIPPLEBROOK AL [5]76355NBTD Hill (Traralgon)
8SONNY’S SALUTE [5]37756FSTDL Davis (Yarram)
9YAZZ [5]Res.F587TFSTDT Kennedy-harris (Somerville)
Race No. 8Man Up For Prostate Cancer (275+ Rank)5:47 PM (VIC time)
Grade 5 No Penalty event over 525 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1JANE ELIZA [5]56562FSTDG Cinnamond (Junction Village)
2DAGWOOD [5]48372NBTL Davis (Yarram)
3DR. SAMSON [5]67684NBTW Mcmahon (Darriman)
4BERGAZ [5]82264FSHS Trim (Devon Meadows)
5PAT THE BAKER [5]77785NBTD Jones (Devon Meadows)
6ALLEN CASPER (NSW)[5]74156FSHN Mcrae (Clyde)
7DR. MORTISHA [5]87246FSTDW Mcmahon (Darriman)
8AMAROO MY GIRL [5]68566FSTDC Schembri (Moe South)
Race No. 9Haley Concreting (275+ Rank)6:09 PM (VIC time)
Grade 7 event over 395 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1SNOW MATTER [7]74486FSHI Brown (Loch)
2COSMIC COAD (NSW)[7]52746FSHR Colpoys (Bass)
3PAPER PLANES (NSW)[7]57328FSHD Petersen (Wangaratta)
4AMAROO CHAOS (NSW)[7]33546FSHS Schembri (Newborough)
5SEVEN GALLONS [7]56354NBTM Busuttil (Kilmany)
6VEETEE HAVOC [7]27665FSHW Duve (Denison)
7HIT LEGS [7]2424122.99(2)B Proctor (Alberton West)
8RUBEUS HAGRID [7]25341FSHA Flores (Yinnar South)
9SHANAE ROSE [7]Res.1766323.39(8)R Cameron ()
10SHREK’S JUNIOR [7]Res.36415FSHR Lesjak (Nyora)
Race No. 10Rutter’s Butchery (275+ Rank)6:28 PM (VIC time)
Grade 6 event over 395 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1KNEAD THE DOUGH (TAS)[6]75157FSHN Lund (Longwarry)
2MIZUKI [6]21464NBTR Busuttil (Kilmany)
3WHERE ARE WE [6]15154NBTT Whitford (Sale)
4DR. BALBOA [6]82478FSHJ Gill (Darriman)
5OUR MISS NITRO [6]63755FSHG Hall (Yarragon)
6ANBERLIN [6]18124NBTB Proctor (Alberton West)
7ASA BABY (NSW)[6]17886FSHJ Maria (Elphinstone)
8LOVES IT [6]57473FSTDG Orr (Newborough)
9DR. TAYLOR [6]Res.26724FSTDJ Mcmahon (Darriman)
10SPOIL THE PARTY [6]Res.57314FSHG Campbell (Drouin South)
Race No. 116:50 PM (VIC time)
Grade 6 event over 315 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1HOME ALONE [6]68777FSHC Goodman (Cranbourne)
2FALLEN STAR [6]51581FSHJ Sultana (Newborough)
3INDIGO BORIS [6]75778FSTDR Cook (Munro)
4ONE MID [6]57377FSHS Combridge (Junction Village)
5SNOW MISTAKE [6]15815FSHN Lund (Longwarry)
6ARVO’S LEO [6]28554NBTK Arvanitis (Nyora)
7TALENTED MISS [6]F1737FSTDJ Gieschen (Valencia Creek)
8LOVE TO TALK [6]5821418.94(8)R Cooper (Morwell)
9ACQUITTED [6]Res.54685NBTL Harris (Somerville)
10LIL’ BIT SUNA (QLD)[6]Res.77887FSTDJ Sultana (Newborough)
Race No. 12 Sept. 19 (275+ Rank)7:11 PM (VIC time)
Grade 5 No Penalty event over 395 metres at Traralgon Of $945 Prizemoney.
1st: $660 2nd: $190 3rd: $95.


1OUR SPINNER [5]87777FSTDT Jones (Devon Meadows)
2HIT STAR (QLD)[5]37874FSTDW Read (Devon Meadows)
3COOLAN PRINCE [5]88864FSHI Dann (Whitelaw)
4BRAN NUE SHEWAMA [5]57616FSHR Lyfield ()
5LIL’ MISS PLEB [5]27488FSHR Boehm (Nilma Nth)
6YELLOWROCK FLAME (NSW)[5]46874FSHG Graham (Woodleigh)
7JULES’ FANCY [5]F8566NBTW Read (Devon Meadows)
8PRINCE NANDO [5]57436FSHA Gringhuis (Ripplebrook)
9YAZZ [5]Res.F587TFSTDT Kennedy-harris (Somerville)
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