NSW GWIC say Fitzsimons greyhound welfare article is wrong
Gone to the dogs: Why greyhound racing’s new code is a complete crock published 3rd July 2020.
Chief Commissioner, Alan Brown AM, says the article wrongly suggests that all participants will have until 1 January 2036 to be compliant
Still a joke
Oh, talk about splitting hairs Mr Brown! The fact is that in some cases industry participants will get until 2036 to comply. That’s a fact. Mr Brown, it doesn’t matter how much you squirm. GWIC and most importantly – Minister Kevin Andrews – have let down the dogs. Industry participants who truly ‘love’ their dogs, as they say they do, would not want to see any dog in below par kennelling.
So are you saying people concerned with greyhound welfare shouldn’t worry because the code only states that it is acceptable for greyhounds to be kept in tiny, squalid accommodation for 10 years. Only a proportion will be kept in those conditions for 15 years. Why was the entire section 9.1 on ‘Preparing greyhounds for rehoming’ removed from the final version of the code? But then so many aren’t rehomed are they? They are killed by industry participants as demonstrated by the McHugh and McSporran Reports. Nothing changes.