Trainer Richard Polidano banned for greyhound welfare violations
Charges against Mr Richard Polidano
a. A requisite quantity of warm, soft and dry bedding for the Greyhound: and
b. A raised bed large enough for the Greyhound to lay down on completed stretched out. (Proper Bedding)
Disciplinary action taken: Six month disqualification
Disciplinary action taken: Four year disqualification
Disciplinary action taken: Four year disqualification
Disciplinary action taken: $200 fine
Disciplinary action taken: 12 month disqualification
Disciplinary action taken: 18 month disqualification
During this disqualification period, set to expire on 31 October 2029, Mr Polidano is prohibited from holding a registration within the greyhound racing industry, from entering any place where greyhounds are trained, kept or raced, including race meetings, or engaging with other greyhound racing industry participants for the purpose of greyhound racing.
Mr Taylor said that the disqualification period should serve as a significant deterrent and is a further demonstration of the Commission’s strong enforcement in respect to animal welfare related offences.
“The New South Wales greyhound racing industry is united in its commitment to deliver world-leading animal welfare standards. Any participant who engages in such abhorrent behavior and elects to be dishonest and untruthful has no place in the industry,” Mr Taylor said.
“It is a privilege to be registered in the greyhound racing industry, not a right, and any participant that shows such a complete disregard for greyhound welfare does not deserve such a privilege.
“It is paramount that welfare standards are upheld and this decision should send a clear message that each individual will be held accountable for their actions.
“There is zero tolerance industry wide for those don’t ensure greyhound welfare, and who risk damaging the reputation of our sport. Make no mistake, we will utilise all our available powers to ensure appropriate action is taken when dealing with any incidents of this abhorrent nature.”
The Commission’s disciplinary action decision can be found here.
Mr Polidano has the right to appeal the Commission’s decision. Whilst this appeal period remains open, the Commission will not be making any further comment at this time.