Victorian greyhound racing community rallies for ANZAC Appeal

GRV's four Victorian clubs racing on ANZAC Day donated $800 toward the ANZAC Appeal, which AustralianRacingGreyhound also supported with a $1,000 donation.

During ANZAC Day 2024, greyhound racing clubs in Victoria came together to show their support for the ANZAC Appeal.

They organised an event called ‘Two For Two Up' where each winning greyhound wearing rug number two led to a donation to the ANZAC Day Appeal.

For every winning greyhound in black and white rug, clubs donated $50, which was then matched by Greyhound (GRV).

The day races saw eight winners sporting the two rug, resulting in a donation of $800 from both the clubs and GRV.

Among the winning Victorian greyhounds were Burra Brice and Caveman at , at Park, Go Astray at , and four impressive winners at ; Varsity Bale, Myall Mate, Anna You Pest, and .

AustralianRacingGreyhound made their own donation of $1,000 to the ANZAC Appeal.

Greyhound Racing News

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