Stewards wrap: Last week’s news in one hit

THE biggest news in Queensland last week was the disqualification of grader Darren Barbour after he was found guilty of deliberately excluding a greyhound from an event at in of another dog, Just Like Tina.

After an investigation by RQ , it was found Just Like Tina was owned by a syndicate including members of Barbour’s family and close friends.

“Mr Barbour placed two bets on Just Like Tina in the race in question and placed calls from his mobile phone to the trainer of Just Like Tina on three occasions on the day that nominations were extended,” RQ stewards said in their report.

”Mr Barbour failed in his obligations to declare to his conflict of interest surrounding a late nominated greyhound Just Like Tina, when he was aware that the registered greyhound Just Like Tina was owned by the ‘Party Time Syndicate’ with members of that syndicate including his immediate family Roy Barbour, Trisha Barbour and Scott Barbour.

“He thereafter failed to remove himself from his duties in overseeing the grading of this particular event.”

The investigation revealed Barbour had placed bets on Just Like Tina in the event, which she subsequently won. He was then charged with breaches of GAR GAR.86 (o) and GAR.86 (q).

The first charge relates to negligent, dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or improper behaviour, while the second relates to engaging in an activity that may be seen as detrimental  or prejudicial to the interest, welfare, image, control or promotion of greyhound racing.  

Barbour was found guilty on both charges and was disqualified for a year.

Brian Terry disqualified in Queensland

QUEENSLAND trainer Brian Terry has been disqualified until midnight on April 16, 2016, after he was found guilty on two breaches of GAR 83(2)(a).

The specifics of the matter were that urine samples taken from his greyhounds Just A Show and Sir Angelo showed the presence of Levamisole after they competed at on April 15 and 18 respectively.

Terry was disqualified for nine months for each charge, to be served concurrently, with both greyhounds disqualified from the events in question.

Garland fined by RADB

 appeared before the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board (RADB) earlier this month after he was charged with a breach of GAR 83(2) and (3), which relate to failing to present a greyhound to compete free of prohibited substances.

The specifics being that a post race urine sample, taken from his greyhound Disco Rain at on February 8, 2015, showed the presence of , an opioid cough suppressant.

Garland pleaded guilty to the charges and he was subsequently fined $500, while Disco Rain was also disqualified from the event in question.

South Australia

DEAN Decrea will face Greyhound Racing South Australia (GRSA) Stewards on Monday August 3 after his greyhound, Penny Grove, tested positive to the prohibited substance at the Angle Park meeting on Wednesday April 22.

The reserve portion of the sample was tested and confirmed to have contained the substance.

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