NSW Government

GRNSW greyhound racing news

NSW Premier quashes talk of greyhound racing shutdown

NSW Premier Chris Minns has declared that his government will not be moving to shut down greyhound racing in the state.
NSW Greyhound News

Former chief vet claims: GRNSW concealed deaths amid ethical violations

A “handover” letter addressed to Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) by its own former Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), Alex Brittan, has denounced the industry as “unsustainable”....

Dr Derek Major calls for re-think on cobalt testing on greyhounds

A well-respected voice on the effects of cobalt in horses and dogs has pleaded for a re-think on how the banned substance is regulated in...
Greyhound breeder Jason Bolwell

NSW greyhound participants fed up with over-regulation

Hobby greyhound breeder Jason Bolwell is so concerned about over-regulation in an industry he loves that he now questions why anyone would want to become...
Industry Update

NSW GWIC seek expanded licensed participant base & data sharing powers

The NSW Government and NSW Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC) are embarking on the next phase of the NSW greyhound comeback since the Baird...
Robert Borsak

Have the politicans learned their lessons from NSW greyhound ban?

ANOTHER week, another contradictory comment from a politician about animal welfare in Australia. New England MP Barnaby Joyce dismissed suggestions this week that live sheep...
Nsw greyhound racing

Participants growing concerned over industry’s future viability

PROMINENT breeder, owner and race caller Anthony Jeffress says he holds grave fears for the future of the NSW greyhound racing industry after recent figures...
Industry Update

Government officially repeals Greyhound Racing Prohibition Bill

THE New South Wales greyhound racing ban has been officially quashed after legislation to repeal the Greyhound Racing Prohibition Bill 2016 passed through the Lower...
Industry Update

Time for our leaders to step up or step down to save the industry

A TOXIC relationship exists between greyhound racing participants and the self-appointed leaders who are unintentionally tearing down the sport from the inside. No, I’m not...
Industry Update

NSW Government to provide $41m funding to greyhound industry

THE New South Wales greyhound racing industry will receive $41 million in funding from the state government over the next five years to implement the...