In a showcase of talent and sheer determination, Good Odds Cobber, the offspring of the renowned sire Fernando Bale, achieved an incredible feat by clinching...
Zipping Novak, the third-placed greyhound in the 2023 Group 2 Gosford Gold Cup, again showcased his skills on the Central Coast track by securing the...
GAYLE Masterson is hoping her ultra-consistent campaigner Knight Sprite can continue his hot run of form in Thursday night’s Group 1 Winter Cup (520m) heat...
LEVIATHAN owner/breeder Paul Wheeler will be aiming to secure his third Group 1 Sapphire Crown (515m) title within four years on Thursday night when the...
KNIGHT Sprite stamped himself as one of the best sprinters in NSW with a determined victory in Friday night’s Group 2 Richmond Derby (535m). Starting...
DESPITE a short history, the Group 1 Temlee is quickly becoming one of the most sought after trophies on the Australian greyhound racing calendar. First...