Mike Baird

Greyhound box draw news

Board hits back at AJP’s agenda to ban greyhound racing

NSW trainer Scott Board believes the Animal Justice Party’s agenda of eventually phasing greyhound racing is unrealistic and unjust.
Mark Latham has called for GWIC to be abolished

NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham calls for GWIC to be abolished

One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham has promised everyone in greyhound racing that he will continue fighting for their legal rights to be preserved against...
Tony Mestrov

Mestrov proud of achievements as GRNSW CEO

Catching up with ARG's Josh Spasaro, outgoing GRNSW CEO Tony Mestrov says he looks back on his time in the New South Wales greyhound racing...
Greyhound breeder Jason Bolwell

NSW greyhound participants fed up with over-regulation

Hobby greyhound breeder Jason Bolwell is so concerned about over-regulation in an industry he loves that he now questions why anyone would want to become...

Today’s greyhound racing in time

We take a look back through the archives of Australia’s oldest and largest greyhound racing news website to cast an eye over this day in...
Canberra GRC

Canberra club urging everyone to attend rally to save ACT racing

THE Canberra Greyhound Rac-ing Club is urging participants from right across NSW to attend the Save Canberra Greyhounds Rally to show their support for greyhound...

Campbell glad she’s not the last winner in NSW greyhound racing

IF former Premier Mike Baird’s greyhound racing ban had gone through, the history books would have shown Big Black as the last greyhound to win...
Robert Borsak

NSW greyhound racing: this could have been our final month

IN four weeks time, the New South Wales greyhound racing industry is coming to an end. Thousands of jobs will cease to exist. Families will...
Wentworth Park

Let’s use Wentworth Park as a bargaining tool

IN a lengthy but heavily-researched and detailed article, Kevin Pitstock recently outlined a fairly bleak financial future for greyhound racing in NSW, foreshadowing what could...
Industry Update

Coonamble boss slams GRNSW for lack of consultation

THE President of the Coonamble Greyhound Racing Club has been left fuming by Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) decision to prohibit racing at the northwest greyhound...